Thrive Apprentice + SendOwl Paid Course Solution Webinar + FAQs



How to Build an Information Product Empire You Actually Own

Watch the webinar replay above to learn if the new Thrive Apprentice + SendOwl integration paid online course solution is right for your info-product business.

While you watch, scroll down this page to read the many questions we received and answered during the webinar. More than likely, many of your questions about the new Thrive Apprentice + SendOwl integration are answered below.

Help Us Improve Thrive Apprentice!

We want your input to make Thrive Apprentice the best online course builder and paid course solution for WordPress. 

Click the button below to take a 4-question (1 minute) Google Forms survey to make your wants and wishes known!

NEXT LESSON NOTE: In the next lesson, we discuss — in great detail — how Thrive Apprentice + SendOwl stacks up against all the other membership plugin and online course creation tools available to you. 

That lesson clarifies the complexities of building your own premium course by breaking down the 3 necessary ingredients to sell courses on your WordPress website.. 

In the next lesson, you'll learn the cost of different tool 'stacks', how they work together to cover those 3 essential elements and why we only recommend the Thrive Apprentice + SendOwl combo to do it all.

Webinar Frequently Asked Questions

I am not familiar with SendOwl. What are SendOwl's membership capabilities versus typical membership plugins like Memberium, MemberPress, LearnDash, Teachable, etc.. Does it have the same capabilities and more?

Do I still need an email marketing tool or Email Service Provider (ESP) in addition to SendOwl?

What if I have apprentice as a plug-in, but use a different theme?

Can I "drip" lessons using the Thrive Apprentice or the Thrive Apprentice + SendOwl integrated combo?

Does SendOwl let you use a 'Pay-What-You-Want' purchase option for your courses or products?

Does SendOwl handle member access to paid courses?

Why aren't you currently selling Thrive Apprentice as a separate plugin? Why do I have to purchase the Thrive Themes Membership to use it?

I'm already using the old apprentice features of FocusedBlog theme, will I be able to import my lessons in the new Thrive Apprentice plugin?

With SendOwl, can customers buy the course directly on my website without leaving it?

Does SendOwl let you chose whether to collect VAT or not?

Can I set up a store page displaying multiple courses for sale, and allow customers to use an 'Add-To-Cart' feature for buying multiple courses in a single transaction?

Can I include Quizzes or Tests inside my Thrive Apprentice courses?

I am still not totally clear why Thrive Themes thinks that SendOwl is SUPERIOR to other membership solutions like Memberium, MemberPress, etc. Doesn't the Thrive Themes website use MemberMouse presently?

I’m a full Thrive Themes Member. Do I have access to start setting up and using the Thrive Apprentice + SendOwl integration now?

Will I be able to create a forum for my online courses using Thrive Apprentice?

Does Thrive Apprentice allow for gamification of lessons?

Can I sample a course on Thrive Apprentice platform so I can SEE what it's like as student before investing in the Thrive Themes Membership?

What are benefits of purchasing a Thrive Themes Membership if I already have Thrive Architect as a separate plugin?

Using Thrive Apprentice + SendOwl, can you sell individuals courses as well as multiple course bundles?

What video hosting service should I use for my online course videos?

So separate video hosting is important to save my website hosting bandwidth and prevent lesson videos from slowing down my site, correct?

With Thrive Apprentice + SendOwl, can I still use Thrive Ultimatum to make limited-time product offers on my paid courses?

Is there any way to import courses that have already been created from other virtual learning environment or LMS tools?

Does SendOwl work with Zapier to expand its functionality?

Does SendOwl have a "failed payment" service to keep attempting to collect payments that fail when someone purchases a subscription style product?

Is it possible to restrict purchases to customers from certain locations?

How does SendOwl solve the EU VAT issue if a customer is a resident of one EU country but is visiting and buying from a different country? Do we just ask them and take their word for it? Wouldn't that still leave us legally exposed?

Do you have new video tutorials for the SendOwl integration?

Can SendOwl also be used with my Thrive Themes plugins to sell ebooks?

Are there plans to make Thrive Themes integrate with WooCommerce?

Can you use Thrive Apprentice with Stripe without SendOwl? Or are there plans to remove SendOwl from the process in the future?

Can I configure my Thrive Apprentice courses for other languages?

Do you recommend SendOwl's "Standard", "Self-hosting" or "Subscription" plan if I want to sell online courses on my WordPress website?

My site uses a different content builder tool like Beaver Builder. Will I still be able to use Thrive Apprentice?

If I create a course using Thrive Architect landing pages (instead of Thrive Apprentice), would SendOwl still be able to restrict access to my course pages?

Can I use Thrive Quiz Builder to reinforce concepts I'm trying to teach in my lessons?

What is Stripe and is it included with SendOwl?

How does SendOwl compare to WooCommerce?

Do you have to buy Thrive Apprentice and SendOwl separately? How much are they?

How does the TA+SendOwl stack compare, feature-wise with big name online learning platforms like Kajabi?

If I have multiple free lead gen courses built with Thrive Apprentice, will my users be able to access more than 1 of them with a single opt-in account instead of having to register for each course individually?

What payment processors does SendOwl currently integrate with?

I already own a few of the Thrive Themes plugins like Thrive Leads, Thrive Architect, and Thrive Ovation. I can't use Thrive Apprentice right now, correct?

Can SendOwl do upsells?

Is it possible to use Thrive Apprentice with other membership plugins?

How does Thrive Apprentice + SendOwl solution compare with LearnDash?

Can we create multi-lingual courses with Thrive Apprentice? Is there some sort of integration with WPML (WordPress Multi-Lingual) or similar plugin?

Is SendOwl also a Thrive Themes product or is it a third party product?

How does Thrive Apprentice + SendOwl compare against membership plugins like MemberPress or Paid Memberships Pro?

On To the Next Lesson

Click the "next lesson" button below to learn all about how the Thrive Apprentice + SendOwl online course solution stacks up against the other membership plugin and online course creation tools.

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