Your First WordPress Website Masterclass



Your First WordPress Website

In this masterclass, you'll learn how to go from blank WordPress install to functional one page website in less than 1 hour.

You'll discover:

  1. The Basics of WordPress

  2. How to Build a One Page Website, Ready to Show to the World

  3. What’s Next? How to Go From One-Page to Fully Fledged Site

1. Do You Speak WordPress 

5.20 min

Understanding the basics of WordPress, will help you navigate the creation of a website. In just a couple of minutes you'll learn the difference between pages and posts and you'll discover what your WordPress theme is responsible for. 

2. Create a One-page Website

17.20 min

A one page website allows you to get a real, functional website up and running quickly. Creating this one page can be sufficient for your needs or can be a great start to build out the rest of your site over time.

We call it a one page website because the links in the menu link to elements on the page instead of separate pages.

Step 1: Optimal Setup

Step 2: Recommended Plugins

Step 3: Activate TTB & Shapeshift

Step 4: Go Through the TTB Site Setup Wizard

Step 5: Deactivate the Blog Page (optional)

Step 6: Edit Your Homepage (aka Your 1 Page Website)

Step 7: Set up Your Header Menu

3. What’s Next? How to Go From One-Page to Fully Fledged Site

55.36min (promised you you would have your one-page site in under 1 hour 😉 )

Step 1: Create Additional Pages

Step 2: Create Your First Blog Post


Questions? Leave them in the comments below!

  • The procedure you show to disable blogs/blog page (at ~43 min.) does not work. In editing in Theme Architect somehow the blog page continues to revert to Published state. But even when I go back and make the blog page Draft state and go to Settings->Reading->Posts page=Select, I can still enter the …/blog at the end of my main url and the blog page is displayed as if it was not disabled.

    • Hi Tim,

      This should be fixed in the latest version of Thrive Theme Builder to update to the latest version go to appearances >> themes >> Click Update on Thrive Theme Builder

  • Great course. Once I followed the instructions and implemented them and decide to change my mind, can I delete and start from scratch?

  • Hi Hanne
    Not sure what I am doing wrong here. I have followed your instructions from the beginning of the video and I’m now in section 3. At 58:30 when you search for the page link in the URL box (for the link for the menu item), I cannot get my install to do the same thing. Any idea what I may be missing

  • Hi Hanne
    I have answered my own question. I re-watched the video and couple of times and realised that I didn’t publish my page properly. TTB is now finding the link URL as demonstrated in the video. Happy days!

  • Good presentation, thanks.
    How can I collect email address from viewers that comment on my blog posts?, I checked all the Blog’s template an none of them has the option of collecting email address when people make a comment.

    • You can use Thrive Comments to ask people to sign up for your newsletter. You shouldn’t collect emails if they didn’t accept getting communication from you.

  • I have watched this video so many times and I am grateful for it because I’m basically clueless. My question is when I am ready to add additional pages to the blog site I start to get a bit confused. I am looking through the courses for how to create a multi-page website and so far I haven’t found it. Is there a tutorial that you can recommend? Maybe I just am missing it. This university is full of info so I’m pretty sure it’s there somewhere.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}