Better Online Events: Everything You Need to Run Awesome Online Classes, Meetings, Workshops & Webinars



Better Online Events: Everything You Need to Run Awesome Online Classes, Meetings, Workshops & Webinars



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6 Lessons

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As of this writing, the world is running the largest ever remote working experiment.

Not only are many people suddenly tasked with conducting work, calls and meetings ​online, countless businesses are also scrambling to move workshops & classes on​ to the web.

If you’ve had to make such a transition from the offline to the online world and are struggling to make it work — or if that’s a move you still have to make — this Better Online Events mini course is for you!

Shane Melaugh

Shane Melaugh is a co-founder of Thrive Themes. When he isn't plotting new ways to create awesome WordPress themes & plugins, he likes to geek out about camera equipment and medieval swords. He also writes about productivity here.

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