Examples of Automations

Setting up an Automation that Uses Studiocart Triggers

If you’re using Studiocart, you can integrate it directly with Thrive Automator to create various automations that use specific Studiocart...

Creating an Account when a User Completes a Double Opt-in Form

This article will show you how to achieve the following use case: Someone fills in a form from your site...

Sending Custom Fields to an Autoresponder Using the ‘Send Webhook’ Action in Thrive Automator

If you want to see how to take the information that users input when filling in custom fields from one...

Sending a User’s Full Name to ActiveCampaign From Thrive Automator Using a Single Field

In Thrive Automator, when using the “Add user in autoresponder” action, you will be able to notice the “Field Mapping”...

Using Thrive Automator to Connect Two Different Websites

If you have two different/independent websites that have Thrive Themes installed and activated, it is very easy to interconnect the...