Templates & Typography

Using Different Versions of The Same Thrive Theme Template On Different Pages/Posts

If you want to apply a template on multiple pages or posts, but with a slight change (for example, you...

Creating a Homepage Template With a Sidebar in Thrive Theme Builder

If you are wondering whether you can add a sidebar to your Thrive Theme Builder Homepage template, the answer is...

Customizing a Blog Template in Thrive Theme Builder

Customizing your Blog Template is a very important part of building your own Thrive Theme Builder theme. This article will...

Displaying All Templates in the Templates Section of Thrive Theme Builder

This article is a mini-guide to show you how you can display all of your templates in the “Templates” section...

Difference Between Previewing a Template and Adding it to a Post or Page

There is a big difference between previewing a template in Thrive Theme Builder, and actually applying the template to a...