Thrive Architect Elements

Enabling Smart Complete on Form Fields

The “Smart Complete” feature is available, if you add a “Lead Generation” element, or a Contact Form to your page,...

Adding a Testimonial to Your Page with Thrive Architect

Adding a testimonial to your page can easily be done with the “Testimonial” element. Here is how: Add the Element...

Using the Icon Manager in Thrive Dashboard

The Thrive Architect plugin comes with a lot of icons that you can add to your content. However, you have...

Creating an Off-Canvas Side Menu for Mobile Devices

When customizing your website, it’s important to take into consideration how your pages and posts will look when accessed from...

Using the Manage Multiple Options Section When Customizing the Dropdown Custom Field

If you’re using a “Lead Generation” element on your site, you can add various custom fields to it, and customize...