Thrive Architect Elements

Adding a Self-hosted Video with Thrive Architect

The Video element in Thrive Architect allows you to add a self-hosted video to your page. In this way, you...

Adding Shadows to Thrive Architect Elements

Important! The “Text Shadow” option, previously found in the Text options, is now found within the “Shadow” options. The “Shadow”...

Using the Social Follow Element in Thrive Architect

This article will explain how to use and customize the “Social Follow” element. This element comes in handy if you...

Using the Global Style Feature on Buttons

​​The “Global Style Feature” allows you to create a certain style for a button, which you can later use for...

Using the Table Element in Thrive Architect

The video above showcases in detail how you can add a table to your page using the “Table” element and...