If you’re familiar with our quiz builder, you probably know that there are a few different types of quizzes that you can create:
In this article, we’ll take a look at the way the formula that is used to calculate the result of a “Percentage” quiz type.
When someone fills in your quiz, that is a “Percentage” type, the result they are shown represents a certain value in percentages:
Here’s how this value is calculated:
First of all, the range is determined. The range represents the number of maximum points a user can achieve in the quiz, from which the number of minimum points is subtracted.
Range = Maximum points that can be acheived by the user - Minimum points that can be acheived by the user
Next, the result in percentages is being calculated, following this formula:
Result (%) = (Points obtained by the user - Miminimum points that can be acheived by the user) * 100 / Range
And this will be the final result.
For example, let’s say we have created a quiz for which the user/visitor can score maximum 15 points and minimum 5.
And let’s say that, after answering all of the answers of the quiz, the person has gained 8 points.
The range will be:
Range = 15-5
Range = 10
This means that the result shown will be calculated as such:
Result = (8-5)*100/10
Result(%) = 30%