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  5. Navigating Through the Thrive Ovation Dashboard

Navigating Through the Thrive Ovation Dashboard

Thrive Ovation has multiple features that can be accessed through the Thrive Ovation dashboard. You can find the plugin by accessing the Thrive Dashboard menu:

Plugin Navigation Menu

Once you have entered the Thrive Ovation dashboard you will notice on the right-hand side at the top of the page, a menu through which you can Display Testimonials (1), Capture Testimonials (2), and a “Settings” item (3), which allows you to customize the customer approval settings and your email delivery integration.

You also have a heart-shaped icon through which you can share your experience with our plugin through Social Media (4):

Adding a New Testimonial

Next to the “Testimonials” title, you will notice a blue play icon, and if you click it, a video tutorial that will walk you through the plugin will pop up on your screen (5).

Also, next to the blue icon you will notice the “Add New” button through which you can manually add testimonials (6).

Below you can watch the tutorial video:

Filtering Options

Below the “Add New” button you will find the filtering options. Selecting either one of these options you can sort the testimonials by certain criteria, thus the only testimonials that will be displayed below on the Thrive Ovation dashboard are the ones that meet the selected criteria.

Testimonial Status Options

In the center area of the page, you can find the actual testimonials that you have added through various methods.

On the right-hand side of each testimonial, its status will be displayed. If a testimonial was manually added it will be “Ready for Display”, and eligible to be shown on your website.

On the other hand, if you choose to capture a testimonial through our plugin, the displayed status will be “Awaiting Review”.

If you create a testimonial from a comment, and you are waiting for the customer’s permission to use his/her testimonial, the displayed status will be “Awaiting Approval”.

If for some reasons, you decide not to display a certain testimonial, you can set its status to “Rejected”:

Individual Testimonial Options

On the right-hand side of the display options you will notice a button through which you can duplicate individual testimonials (7), edit them (8), and a button which allows you to delete the testimonial (9):

Additional Options

Right above the testimonial list, you will be able to see another list of options through which you can set additional filters:

If you want to select one or more testimonials, you can do that by either clicking the “Select All” checkbox or the testimonials’ own checkbox on the left-hand side:

Going forward, you will be able to filter the testimonials by images. Just click on the “Image Filter” field, and choose one of the options from the drop-down list:

You can also filter them by using the “Title Filter”:

Or, if you want, you can type in the tag assigned to a particular testimonial, and show only the testimonials which have that tag attached to them:

If you click on the “Show/Hide” field, you can choose what information to be displayed against each tag within the dashboard.

If you uncheck the “Tags” checkbox, then the tags assigned to the testimonials will not be listed anymore in the dashboard.

If you want to remove the information about how that tag was captured you can uncheck the “Type” box, and lastly, if you uncheck the “Status” checkbox then the Testimonial Status Options will not be shown anymore:

The “Type” and “Status” options are described in detail in the “Testimonial Status Options” section detailed above.

The last field which you can select here is for the length of the testimonial: you can choose to display just a summary of the testimonial, or the full testimonial:

Having acknowledged the information presented above, you can go ahead and get started on using Thrive Ovation to either capture, display, or manage all of your website’s testimonials.

Make sure to check out our knowledge base and the rest of the tutorials, if you want to find out more about Thrive Ovation.

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