Setting up an API Connection with Google

You can create a connection between your Google account and your Thrive Dashboard. This way, you will be able to import content directly from Social Media to your website, or you can allow users to connect to their Google account when commenting.

Similar to this connection, you can also add a “File Upload” type of custom field to a “Lead Generation” element from Thrive Architect, and connect it to your Google Drive account so that the files to be stored in a Google Drive folder. If that is what you are looking for, this article is the one for you.

If you need to connect your Google account to your Thrive Dashboard, please follow these steps:

Get the Google API Credentials

For this connection, you will need to access the Google API Console. You will need to get the Client ID and Client Secret keys and add them to your Thrive Dashboard.

After accessing the Google API Console, sign in to your account.

Once you do that, you will be taken to the API & Services Dashboard. In order to go further, you will need to create a project or select an already existing one.

To create a new project, click on the “Create Project” option:

Then, configure the new project, and click on “Create” when you’re done:

Once you have your project, you will need to authorize your domains. Go to the “OAuth consent screen” section of the left sidebar:

This is where you will have to enter the authorized domains (one or more). You will have to create and register an app. Therefore, choose the “External” user type here, and click on “Create”:

Then, you will need to enter the app details, such as name, logo, etc, as well as the authorized domains. Enter the desired application name in this field:

Next, enter your site’s domain in the “Authorized Domains” field:

You can also add links to your homepage, or to the Privacy Policy/Terms of Service pages, and then click on “Save and continue”:

Then, you will be taken through three more steps (“Scopes”, “Test Users” and “Summary”), and then the app will be ready for use:

You will receive a notification, letting you know that the “Consent Screen” has been saved:

Generate OAuth Credentials

Once the OAuth consent screen has been configured, you need to generate the above-mentioned keys, which we will use in the Thrive Dashboard. Go to the “Credentials” section of the left sidebar of the Google API Dashboard:

From the top side of the page, click on “Create Credentials”:

A dropdown will appear. Here, choose the “OAuth client ID” option:

In the next field that appears, you have to choose the application type. Click on this field to open the list of available types:

From this list, choose “Web Application”:

You can change the default name for the application if you want. What’s important here, is to set the “Authorised JavaScript Origins” and “Authorised redirect URLs”. For each of them, click on “+Add URL”:

Then, add your website URL in each of the fields, as shown here:

Click on “Save”:

As you do that, a pop-up will open, with the Client ID and Client Secret keys:

These are the keys that you need in order to create the connection from the Thrive Dashboard.

Add the Keys to your Thrive Dashboard

Now that you have these two keys, go ahead and access the “API Connections” section, to set up the Google connection.

For that, in your WordPress admin dashboard, in the left sidebar, click on “Thrive Dashboard”:

This will open a list with all of the installed Thrive products. If you scroll down, you will also see the “Thrive Features” section. Look for the “API Connections” card, and click on “Manage Connections”:

A page will open, and this is where you will be able to see all of your active connections. Click on “Add New Connection”:

Then, click on the “Select an app” field, to open the list with the available integrations:

Scroll down until you see the “Google” integration, in the “Social” section:

When you select “Google”, you will be asked to add the Client ID and

Client Secret keys. These are, of course, the previously generated credentials, and all you have to do is to paste them inside these two fields and click on “Connect”:

Then, a success message will be shown, letting you know that you can start using this connection:

The connection is now ready, and you can use it in various places of your site, such as:

For example, once the connection has been successfully set, when someone wants to comment on your site, they will be able to log in using their Google account:

This concludes the article on how to connect your Google account to your Thrive Dashboard.

If you need more information about Thrive Themes and all of our products, don’t forget to also check out the rest of the articles and tutorials from our Knowledge Base, here.

You might also be interested in these two articles if you want to connect more social media apps for similar purposes:

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