Setting up an API Connection with Slack

If you are looking for a way to connect your Slack account to your Thrive Themes powered website, then an API connection is one of the ways in which you can do that:

In this article we will go through the steps of setting up and using the API connection with Slack.

You can connect to Slack either from the ‘API manager’ of your Thrive Dashboard, or directly from the ‘Apps’ tab, of Thrive Automator.

Slack Account

First, make sure you have a Slack account and that you are logged in:

This will help speed up the process when integrating in the Thrive Dashboard.

1. Set Up the Connection in the Thrive Dashboard

The next step of the process is setting up the connection in your Thrive Dashboard. In order to do that, go to the Thrive Dashboard section of your WordPress admin dashboard:

In the new dashboard that opens, scroll down until you see the “API Connections” card, and click on “Manage Connections”:

Now click on “Add new connection” to start setting up your Slack integration:

Next, look for “Slack” in the list of available services:

Select it and click on “Connect”:

You’ll next have to allow Slack to access your workspace:

After you do that, you’ll get this success notification letting you know that your Slack connection is ready to be used:

Finally, you Slack integration card will become visible in the dashboard, alongside three additional options that you can use to test, edit, or remove the connection:

2. Set Up the Connection in Thrive Automator

You can follow the exact same steps as the ones described above if you are planning to connect to Slack directly from Thrive Automator.

Access Thrive Automator:

Then, click on the “Apps” tab of your Thrive Automator navigation bar:

And here, you’ll get to this dashboard that is identical to the one from the API manager:

From here onwards, the steps are identical to the one described above for connecting Slack in the Thrive Dashboard. You will have to click on “Connect” and then grant Slack the required permissions.

After you have successfully connected your Slack account, you will be able to use it together with Thrive Automator:

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