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  5. Setting Up the Brevo (formerly SendinBlue) API Connection

Setting Up the Brevo (formerly SendinBlue) API Connection

Do you want to store and manage leads captured using the Lead Generation element or a Thrive Leads form? You can connect them with Brevo, a customer relationship management tool formerly known as SendinBlue.

In this article, we’ll show you how to connect Thrive Themes with Brevo, so you can pair it up with the Lead Generation element or Thrive Leads to capture, store, and manage leads.

Finding the Brevo API Key

API, i.e. Application Programming Interface Key is an authentication code used to identify and verify an account or a user when you want to connect it with another tool.

Therefore, the first thing you’ll need to connect your Brevo account to the Thrive Dashboard is an API Key.

To find your API key, log into your Brevo account, click on the profile name on the top right corner of the page, and then SMTP & API.

On the SMTP & API page, click on the API Keys tab.

If you are new to Brevo, the API Keys page will display a message saying “You do not have any API keys. Click here to generate your first API key.”

You can click on the “Click Here” link to generate a key.

If you have generated an API key before, you can create a new one by clicking on the Generate a new API key button seen on the right.

When you click on the link, a popup will appear. Then, give a name to your API key and click the Generate button.

After clicking the Generate button, an API key will appear in a popup.

You can click on the copy icon beside the API key to copy and use the key immediately and close the popup by clicking the OK button.

Adding the Brevo API Key to the Thrive Dashboard

It is important to add the API key to Thrive Dashboard so you can use them with the Thrive tools easily.

You can begin with the API Connection by opening your WordPress admin area, navigating to Thrive Dashboard >> Thrive Dashboard, and clicking on Manage Connections in the API Connections block.

Clicking on Manage Connections will take you to the Active Connections page. On this page, scroll to the Add New Connection block and click on it.

When you click to add a new connection, you’ll see a dropdown where you can select the app, Brevo that you want to connect.

After selecting the app, you’ll be asked to enter the API Key that you copied from your Brevo account.

To establish the connection, enter the API key in the given field, decide whether you’d like to connect to the Transactional Email Service, and click the Connect button.

Note: If you are using Brevo for transactional emails or asset delivery emails, you’ll need to connect to the Transactional Email Service by clicking on the Yes radio button.

After you click Connect, the connection is established and you’ll see a success message.

Connecting Brevo to a Lead Generation Element

After you’ve established a connection between Brevo and the Thrive Dashboard, you can proceed to add the connection to a Lead Generation element you’ve used or plan to use.

Before we build a connection, please make sure you’ve added the Lead Generation element on a page or post using Thrive Architect. You can read our document to know more about the Lead Generation element.

Once you are ready with a post or page with the Lead Generation element on it, click on the element to see its options open in the left sidebar.

In the Lead Generation options seen in the left sidebar, open Main Options and click on the Add Connection button. This will help you determine the application to which you’d like to send the leads.

After clicking on Add Connection, you’ll see a dropdown where you can choose the connection you want to add.

You click on the dropdown, you’ll see all the connections you’ve built in the Thrive Dashboard. To proceed, select Brevo from the list.

When you select Brevo, you’ll have to select a Brevo list you want to save your leads to.

“Your first list” is a default list that’s created in every new Brevo account. You can click on the dropdown to see your lists created in Brevo.

If you’ve not created a list in Brevo, refer to this part of the video that’ll help you create one.

When you have chosen a list, be sure to select it from the dropdown and click the Apply button.

Connecting Brevo to Thrive Leads

To be able to connect Brevo to Thrive Leads, you need to make sure you have a form created using Thrive Leads.

You can refer to our detailed documentation on how to create a form using Thrive Leads.

To connect Brevo to a Thrive Leads form, open your WordPress admin area, navigate to Thrive Dashboard >> Thrive Leads, and click on a Lead Group that contains the form you want to edit.

When you click on a Lead Group, it’ll display the form types created under it. To connect a specific form type, click on the “Pen” or Edit icon seen on the right side of the form name.

When you choose to edit the form type, it’ll take you to a page where you’ll see the form/forms created under this form type.

On this page, click on the pen or edit icon seen on the right side of the form name.

When you click to edit the form, it’ll take you to the editor where you can modify the form elements.

In the editor, click on the form and see its options in the left sidebar.

In the left sidebar, open Main Options, and click on the Add Connection button so you can send your leads to a list you select.

Clicking on Add Connection will show a dropdown where you can select Brevo to establish the connection.

After selecting Brevo as the application, select the mailing list in the next dropdown that appears. This mailing list is the one created in your Brevo account and also the one where the leads will be added as contacts.

Note: If you’ve not created a list in Brevo, refer to this part of the video that’ll help you create one.

After you’ve selected a list, click on the Apply button for the connection to be established.

We’ve just seen how you can connect lead generation elements of Thrive with Brevo. These steps will help you store and manage leads captured through the Lead Generation element and a Thrive Lead form.

Next, if you’d like to trigger Thrive Lead forms based on where a user comes from, read more about SmartLinks in Thrive Leads.

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