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  5. Sharing a Discount Code via Email When the User Leaves a Testimonial

Sharing a Discount Code via Email When the User Leaves a Testimonial

Here’s an example of an automation that might come in handy for you: one of the users of your site gets a discount code if they leave a testimonial on the page of your choice.

To achieve this, you would have to follow these steps:

  • create an automation in Thrive Automator with the following steps:

    • Start Trigger: User leaves a testimonial
    • Action: Add user to autoresponder (for example: ActiveCampaign)
  • assign a tag to that user when adding them to the autoresponder;
  • create an automation in ActiveCampaign that starts when the tag has been added to the user;
  • send an email with the discount code to the user;

If you want to create such an automation, using Thrive Automator alongside ActiveCampaign, follow the steps presented in this article:

Create the Thrive Automator Automation

Access the Thrive Automator Dashboard

We can start by accessing Thrive Automator and creating the automation there. In the left sidebar of your WordPress admin dashboard, hover over “Thrive Dashboard” and click on “Thrive Automator“:

In the Thrive Automator Dashboard, click on “Add new” to initiate a new automation:

If you’re not familiar with the process of creating a new automation, please make sure to check out these articles first:

The automation canvas will open, and you will have to start by choosing a Start Trigger:

Choose the Start Trigger

Click on this “Search for a trigger” field to do that:

From the list that opens, click on User leaves a testimonial“:

Next, you can go ahead and select which conditions need to be met in order to set off the trigger:

You can either leave it as it is, to ‘”Always trigger”, or, you can open the drop-down list and set a different condition that isolates a particular testimonial, for example:

Click on “Done”, to move on to setting up the action:

Choose the Action

Next, click on the plus sign to add a new action:

Then, choose the “Add user to autoresponder” action:

You will be asked to choose the mailing service of your choice. Click on this field, to open the list of available integrations, that you have previously set up in the Thrive Dashboard:

For this example, I will use ActiveCampaign:

After choosing the service (1), you will have to select the mailing list (2) to which you want the user to be added, as well as the tag(s) that should be assigned to them (3).

You’re also able to send dynamic information to the autoresponder (4), as tags – for example, you can also send the username/email etc. of the person that has filled in the form, and the information will be received as a tag in the autoresponder. Click on “Done” after inserting them:

The automation from Thrive Automator is ready, you can click on “Save and finish” from the bottom right corner of the canvas:

And, if you haven’t yet, go ahead and publish the automation:

Now, each time someone submits a testimonial on your site, they will be added to the mailing list of your choice, with a tag associated with it.

You can now create the setup in the autoresponder, in order to send each user associated with that tag an email, which can also be set up in the autoresponder.

Create the automation in ActiveCampaign

I will be using ActiveCampaign as an example, but please keep in mind that the setup might be different when using other services.

Create a new automation

Firstly, I will create a new automation that starts whenever a tag is added to a contact, and that will send out a new email to that contact. The email will include the discount code.

Here’s how to do that: once you access the ActiveCampaign dashboard and log in, go to the “Automations” section of the left sidebar:

Then, click on “Create an automation” from the top right corner of the automations dashboard:

A pop-up opens, and you can choose the “Start from scratch” option”:

Once the canvas opens, you will have to choose the start trigger for the automation:

Start Trigger – Tag is added

There are multiple ways in which you can set up the automation, but, as an example, I will go for the “Tag is added” start trigger:

I will insert the same tag as the one added here, when creating the automation in Thrive Automator, and click on “Add Start”:

Note: Make sure the tag has been added to ActiveCampaign from the “Contacts” -> “Manage Tags” section:

The step that comes next is to choose the action to be taken when the start trigger event occurs. A pop-up opens, to help you quickly choose the action:

Action – Send an email

To continue setting up the scenario presented at the beginning of this article, the action chosen here will be the “Send an email” one:

And then, you will have to set up your email. In this case, I have added the discount code inside the email:

And now, the ActiveCampaign automation should look like this:

Make sure you set it to “Active”:

Now, with the two automations combined, the end result is that, as someone leaves a testimonial on your website, and they are logged in, they will receive a discount via email.

Hopefully, this article was useful. Please take a look at this section of our knowledge base in case you want to see more examples of automations created in Thrive Automator.

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