How to Build Automations in ActiveCampaign



How to Take Advantage of the Infinite Segmentation Power of Quizzes in ActiveCampaign

In the second part of the webinar you'll see how Chris creates 5 different automations that will allow you to send the right message to the right leads and maximize email conversions.

The Master Sort Automation​ (0:55 min)

This automation allows you to check for the appropriate tags and add your quiz leads into the right automations.

This is the very first automation that gets triggered when someone fills out the opt-in gate opt-in form.​

​If you want to make that people who take the quiz multiple times, go through the automation multiple times, makes sure to set this automation to "run multiple times" and to immediately delete the quiz tag that starts the automation.

The Personalizer Automation​ (2:37 min)

Everybody who enters the master sort automation will automatically start by going through the Personalizer Automation.

This automation allows you to look for specific tags and use this information to populate a custom field that then can be used as a personalisation tag in your emails.

For example the tag "e-commerce" will populate the custom field "Business Type" with the words "E-commerce owner" and the tag "local" will populate that custom field with "Local Business owner" which will allow you in your emails to write: "We have a special promotion for %Business Type%​"  this will show as:

  • We have a special promotion for E-commers owners for people with the tag "ecommerce" and
  • We have a special promotion for Local Business owners for people with the tag "local"​

For more detailed information on custom fields, check out this ActiveCampaign tutorial and if you want to learn more about personalisation tags, you can click here.

The High End Consulting Automation (11:48 min)

The next step in the Master Sort Automation is to check if the quiz taker has the tag ">100K", because this is the type of client we want to contact for one-on-one consulting.

If the tag exists, the lead is send into the High End Consulting Automation​. This automation sends a first email to invite the lead to schedule a consultation call.

Then the automation will wait for a set time and check if the person scheduled a call. 

If you're using Calendly, you can have the link to Calendly in that first email and you can have Calendly automatically update the contact's record through Zapier when they actually schedule a call.

Or you can use another solution and manually add the tag when someone schedules the call.​

​Then if the tag does not exist, a follow-up email will be sent.

The Ecourse and Ebook Automations (29:43 min)

These are two separate automations but they act in the exact same way.

Depending on the existing tag (yes or no fb ads), the Master Sort Automation will send leads to the ​Ecourse Automation or the Ebook Automation.

This automation is set up with a number of emails and a goal.

This goal is to check if someone purchased the product.

If they do, the goal allows to skip the next emails.

This means that if you have an email follow-up of 3 sales emails, the moment someone buys, they will not get the sales emails anymore (even if they buy on day 1 from email 1).​

Automation Links

Chris promised to share the automations and here are the links:

​Master Sort:


​High End Consulting:

​Basic Email Follow-up:

In order to use these in your Active Campaign account you will have to copy paste the links and follow this tutorial.

Now It's Your Turn

Create your quiz in Thrive Quiz Builder and set up your automations in ActiveCampaign and put your marketing and sales follow-up on autopilot!

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