Create a Segmentation Quiz



How to Take Advantage of the Infinite Segmentation Power of Quizzes in ActiveCampaign


Thrive Content Builder and Thrive Landing pages have been replaced by Thrive Architect, which now has 268 pre-designed page templates and you can preview them all in our landing pages gallery.

In the first part of the webinar, you'll discover how to set up a quiz in Thrive Quiz Builder with branching logic, how to create an opt-in gate and connect it to Active Campaign and how to use the dynamic content to show different results pages depending on the quiz taker's answers.

In the webinar we use the example of a Facebook ads consultant. This consultant has 3 different products.

  1. One on One consulting: this is only for high end clients (more than 100k revenue)
  2. An online training course: this is for business owners who already do Facebook ads but are not earning enough to be interested in consulting.
  3. An eBook: this is for beginners, business owners who do not use Facebook ads yet.​

In our quiz, we want to make sure to get the appropriate information to put the quiz takers into the right "bucket".

The Quiz Landing Page​ (4:09 min)

In the webinar we show you a quiz landing page. This exact landing page is available as a downloadable template for Thrive Members from the membership bonus page.

If you're not a Thrive Member, you can use Thrive Landing Pages to create your quiz landing page.

The way to make this work is to:

  • Link the "Take the quiz"-button to the page where you embedded the quiz
  • Create a quiz without a splash page so that when people click on the "start quiz button" they'll immediately see the first question.​

The Quiz Questions (6:17 min)

Think about the information you would like to gather for your follow-ups.

Add tags to the answers you're interested in, not all answers have to have tags!​

You can find a full tutorial on how to add tags here.​

The Opt-in Gate (13:04 min)

An opt-in gate allows you to force quiz takers to opt-in before seeing the results of the quiz.

It's at this point that all the information is sent to ActiveCampaign.

You can add additional tags on the opt-in form. In this case we have only one opt-in gate no matter what the results of the quiz are but you can even use the dynamic content to build different opt-in gates depending on the results of the quiz taker.​

The opt-in gate is optional, but is highly recommended if the goal of the quiz is segmenting your email list and starting targeted follow-ups.

The Results Page (16:18 min)

In the webinar, we have a quiz with 3 different result categories and we want to show 3 different results pages depending on the quiz taker's answers.

The way to do this is to use dynamic content on your results page.

As you can see, you can easily create one page, duplicate it for the other pages and simply change what's needed.​

The Reporting (21:55 min)

Thrive Quiz Builder has an impressive reporting suite built in so that you can get valuable insights about your audience.

Now that your quiz is all set up, with the correct tags and everything is connected with ActiveCampaign via the opt-in gate, it's time to see what you can do with this information.

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}