Designing Courses

Creating and Publishing a Thrive Apprentice Lesson

In Thrive Apprentice, a course is formed by one or more lessons that can be organized in chapters and/or modules....

Switching Back to the Legacy Thrive Apprentice Editor

If you are using the new Thrive Apprentice editor but would like to know how to switch back to the...

Adding a Video Description for Your Thrive Apprentice Course

In Thrive Apprentice, when you create a new course or edit an existing one, you have the possibility to add...

Using the Thrive Apprentice Elements on a Thrive Apprentice Template

When using the Thrive Architect visual editor to customize your courses, you can use the right sidebar to add elements...

Getting Started with New Thrive Apprentice Visual Editor

Our new Thrive Apprentice visual editor is here, and it will let you fully customize the entire experience for the...