
Using a 100% Discount Code in SendOwl – Troubleshooting

Issue When setting up your SendOwl integration, there is a situation in which you might encounter an issue: that is,...

Difference Between Editing a Thrive Apprentice Content vs a Template

If you don’t know whether you are editing course content from Thrive Apprentice or editing a Thrive Apprentice template, then...

Thrive Comments Element Unavailable on Regular Posts and Pages

If you were wondering why the Thrive Comments element does not appear sometimes in the right sidebar list of elements,...

Incoming Webhooks – Troubleshooting

In case you’re trying to use the “3rd Party Event” trigger type in Thrive Ultimatum (formerly known as “Incoming Webhooks”),...

Thrive Architect Sidebar Control Panel Not Displayed – Autoptimize Conflict

Autoptimize is a caching plugin that can cause a conflict with any of our plugins that contain the Thrive Architect...