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  5. Cannot Edit Posts and Pages with Thrive Architect – Troubleshooting

Cannot Edit Posts and Pages with Thrive Architect – Troubleshooting

Let’s have a look at why your pages or posts are not showing the “Edit with Thrive Architect” option:

Your website has multiple roles, depending on the type of permission you would like to assign to each user. This option might be missing due to the fact that access was not granted for that particular role, from the User Access Manager.

The User Access Manager can be easily accessed from the Thrive Dashboard:

On the new page that opens, look for the User Access Manager card and click on “Manage Access”:

Here, you will be able to see all the user roles available on your website, along with the access granted to each of them.

This article from our knowledge base might be useful to you if you want to learn more abut how to navigate this dashboard:

So, for example, if you are the administrator of your website, and your access is missing for Thrive Architect, then your dashboard would look like this:

The only thing you need to do here is to tick the option for the role and product you want to configure, and that’s it:

Now the “Edit with Thrive Architect” option should become available whenever you are trying to edit a page or post:

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