Have you received some excellent testimonials through email or any other source that you want to add to your website? You can add them manually using Thrive Ovation.
In this article, we’ll show you how to add testimonials manually to your website using Thrive Ovation.
To manually add a new testimonial, open your WordPress admin area, navigate to Thrive Dashboard -> Thrive Ovation, and click the Add New button in the dashboard.
When you click Add New, you’ll see a popup where you can add further details. This popup lets you enter the person’s name, role, website link, occupation, and testimonial.
After you add the user details, you can scroll to the popup and enter the testimonial in the text box. You can also use the formatting options as required.
Once you add the testimonial, click the Add Testimonial button.
Clicking the Add Testimonial button will close the popup and add the testimonial to the Thrive Ovation dashboard list.
The Thrive Ovation dashboard allows you to manage all existing testimonials. To manage the status of a testimonial, click the green dropdown beside the testimonial.
The available status for testimonials are:
- Ready for Display
- Awaiting Approval
- Awaiting Review
- Rejected
Note: Manually added testimonials are in the Ready for Display state by default.
We’ve just seen how you can manually add a testimonial to your website using Thrive Ovation.
Next, if you want to learn how to capture testimonials on your website using Thrive Ovation, refer to our detailed document.