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  4. Managing Quizzes
  5. Adding a ‘Retake the Quiz’ Link/Button in the Quiz Results Page

Adding a ‘Retake the Quiz’ Link/Button in the Quiz Results Page

When you are configuring your Thrive Quiz Builder results page, you have the option of creating a link or button that allows the users to retake the quiz, if they did not managed to get the required result.

This is something that you can easily configure when setting up your results page, directly from the Thrive Architect editor.

A situation in which you might find this useful is when you are using the “mark as complete” feature on the quizzes that you’ve embedded on your Thrive Apprentice lessons:

This feature allows you to decide which students of your online course can proceed to the next lesson in Thrive Apprentice, based on their quiz results.

If you want to read more about how to use this feature, then check out this article from our knowledge base:

Access Thrive Quiz Builder from the Thrive Dashboard:

Then find the quiz for which you want to set this up, and access the results page:

Start editing the design:

Use the options available in the editor for customizing the results page.

Add a “Text” element to your content:

Then, with this text selected, look for the inline formatting panel:

Click on the link icon:

And select the “Dynamic” option:

By default, the dynamic option will apply the “Restart Quiz” link to your selected text:

The text will turn into a link that when clicked will redirect the user to the start of the same quiz:

Retake the Quiz Button

When you are using a “Button” element instead of text, you will use the same option.

First, add the element to your page and customize it:

Next, with the button still selected, look for the “Dynamic link” option of the left sidebar:

Click on it and the following options will show up, already selected by default:

Now this button too will take the user to the start of the quiz. Anyone clicking it will be able to retake the quiz, and thus, get a different score.

This way they can try as many times as necessary, in order to get the results that’s allowing them to mark the lesson as complete in their online course.

Don’t forget to check out our knowledge base for more tutorials of this type.

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