Applying Specific Post Template to a Post

When you start using Thrive Theme Builder, a very big and important part of using it properly is to understand how to apply templates to posts or pages.

This article will show you how to apply a Post Template to one of your posts.

You can do this in two manners – either from the WordPress settings or from Thrive Architect. Both of the methods are described below.

Note: Before applying the templates to a post or page on your live website, make sure that you have finished customizing the template, and that it looks just the way you want it to.

If you need help with customizing templates, please make sure to check out all of the resources available in the Thrive Theme Builder “Templates & Typography” section of the knowledge base.

First of all, in both of the cases, you will need to access the post that you want to apply the template to. For that, in your WordPress admin dashboard, in the left sidebar, hover over “Posts” and click on “All Posts”:

A list of all of your posts will appear. Look for the one that you want to apply the template to, hover over it to see its options, and click on “Edit”:

This will open the page with the WordPress settings for the respective post.

Applying a Post Template from the WordPress Settings

Once you access the page with the WordPress settings, you will notice the right sidebar, with various sections with options. One of the sections is called “Thrive Theme Builder Templates”:


It is important to know that the “Theme Builder Templates” option will be visible here (in the WordPress settings) only if you have not opened or edited the post using Thrive Architect. If the post has been opened in the Thrive Architect editor before, the template options will migrate there, as explained below.

Click on the section in order to expand it:

You will see the “Templates” option and a field next to it. Click on that:

This will open a drop-down menu, with all of your Thrive Theme Builder Post Templates:

Click on the Post Template that you want to apply to the post, and it will be applied. If you do not want to make any more modifications, make sure you save the draft or update/publish the post, using the settings from the top right side:

This is how you can apply a Post Template to a post, using the WordPress settings.

Applying a Post Template from Thrive Architect

The second way in which you can apply a Post Template to a specific post is from the Thrive Architect editor.

To access this editor, after you open the post in the WordPress editor, click on the green “Launch Thrive Architect” button, next to the title of the post:

The post will open in the Thrive Architect editor. On the top left side of the editor, you will see the breadcrumbs. Click on “Post” to open the post settings:

When you do that, some options will appear in the left sidebar of the editor. One of the sections from there is the “Post Template Settings” one. Click on it to expand the options:

All of these options are described in this article, so make sure to check it out if something is unclear.

To apply a template to this post, once you find the template of choice, hover over it and click on “Activate”:

After you click on that, the template will be applied, and you will see that in the “Currently Active Template” section:

After you apply the template, don’t forget to save the modifications by clicking on the green “Save Work” button:

These were the ways to apply a Post Template to a specific post, both from the WordPress settings, as well as from the Thrive Architect editor.

If you need more information about applying templates in Thrive Theme Builder, make sure to also check out these related articles:

For more information about various Thrive Theme Builder features, please take a look at this knowledge base section.

I hope this article was useful for you. If that’s the case, don’t forget to leave a smile below 🙂

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