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  4. Styling Thrive Leads Forms
  5. Creating a ‘Go Back’ Text Link on Your Opt-in Form States

Creating a ‘Go Back’ Text Link on Your Opt-in Form States

When you are working with multiple Thrive Leads states on your opt-in forms, you can give the user the possibility of returning to the default state with the help of a ‘go back’ text link:

Here’s how to do that in several easy steps:

Access the Opt-In Form

First, make sure you access the opt-in form you want to edit:

Here’s are some introductory resources from our knowledge base, if you want to get up and running with your Thrive Leads forms:

Then, make sure your form has at least one state added to it. The template I’m using has two different states:

Access the first state you want to edit:

Add a Text Element

Then, open the right sidebar and look for the “Text” element:

Drag and drop it where you best see fit:

Then, make sure you replace the currently existing text with the one you need:

With your text selected, head over to the central style panel from the top of the page:

Open the text link set of options:

Make sure you tick the checkbox next to the “Switch state” option. As soon as you do that, a drop-down list will appear right under, with the “Default State” selected:

This means that the user will be taken back to the default state of the opt-in on click.

The only thing left to do is to click on “Insert”:

Your text has become a static link that now takes the users back to the main state of your form, just as you’ve set it up in the panel:

There are further adjustments you can make while here on this view.

You can, for example, change how the text looks like when the user hovers over it:

To change the way the text (or static link) looks like on hover, you first have to make sure the text is selected and then, in the left sidebar list of options, click on the “Normal” state to open the list of options.

You will be able to access the “Hover” state from there:

Now bring any changes you want to your text, using the same left sidebar list of options:

For example, I’ve made my text black on hover.

When you are done, open the same state list from the top, and return to the “Normal” state:

The last thing that I did here, was to use an effect on my link text:

There’s an entire list of options you can use here. Browse the list and see how each effect looks on your text link:

The one I’ve used in this example is the “Left Gradient Fill”:

Once you are done, click on “Apply” and your text should now have an effect added to it, that is visible each time the users hover over it.

This is how you can add a text link to your opt-in form states, that takes the users back to the default state.

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