Customizing WooCommerce Templates in Thrive Theme Builder

When installing and activating WooCommerce on your Thrive Theme Builder dashboard, you will get access to some default WooCommerce templates, that were specially designed for the use of WooCommerce, along with Thrive Theme Builder.

If you need help setting up the WooCommerce plugin and activating it on your Thrive Theme Builder dashboard, make sure to check out this article.

These templates can be customized, and you can add new ones, as well. There are five types of WooCommerce templates: Shop, Product, Cart, Checkout, Account, and Product Categories templates.

We have created separate articles, in which we have explained how to add a new template of each type, as well as how you can customize each one. You can find these articles here:

However, before creating or customizing the templates, make sure that you have accessed the WooCommerce settings first, and assigned pages for the “Shop” page, “My Account”, “Cart” page, as well as for the “Checkout” page.

You can find detailed instructions about how to set these, in the articles linked above. Hopefully, this article was useful for you.

If you need more information about this, you can check out this knowledge base section.

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