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  5. Displaying All Templates in the Templates Section of Thrive Theme Builder

Displaying All Templates in the Templates Section of Thrive Theme Builder

This article is a mini-guide to show you how you can display all of your templates in the “Templates” section of the Thrive Theme Builder Dashboard.

If you want to find out more in-depth information about how to navigate the “Templates” section, please take a look at this article.

1. Access the “Templates” section

In order to access the “Templates” section of the Thrive Theme Builder dashboard, click on the “Templates” icon, in the left sidebar:

2. Click on the “Core Templates” field

When you first access this section, the “Core Templates” will open. Make sure to read this article if you need to find out what “Core Templates” are. Click on this field, to open the list with all of the groups of templates:

A drop-down will open, with all of the available templates groups that you can choose to display:

We have described all of these groups of templates separately, here.

3. Click on “All Templates”

From the drop-down, choose “All Templates” by clicking on the option:

And that’s it! Now all of your templates will be displayed in the “Templates” section, and you can start customizing them.

If you want detailed information on how to work with various template types available in your dashboard, check out the following articles:

I hope this mini-guide was helpful. If that’s the case, don’t forget to leave a smile below 🙂

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