If you have multiple free courses on your website, but you only want to grant access to those users who come from a certain funnel, then this article might be useful to you.
The scenario is as it follows – you have several Thrive Apprentice courses, that you plan to offer for free:

You want to only make these courses available to those users who come across them by accessing a specific landing page. This would be a clear indicator of the fact that the student is interested in that particular topic, and wants to learn more about it.
Thus, you are making sure that your users are segmented based on their preferences, so that you can send them personalized e-mails and offers. You can automate this process with the help of a Thrive Automator workflow.
What you need to do is protect each course with a product (but leave the access restriction rules and requirements as they are by default). Then, for each course you want to launch, set up separate landing page, that has a “Login & Registration Form” element added to it. Optionally, you can also connect the form to your autoresponder and include your newly added users in your mailing list.
In Thrive Automator, create a new automation in which you are using the unique identifier from the form mentioned above to make sure that only the visitors who register through this form get access to that respective course.
1. Customize the Landing Page in the Thrive Editor
First off, start by creating a separate landing page for each of your free Thrive Apprentice courses:

I’m gonna go with the “Pre-built Landing Page” type:

The design that I’ve chosen already has a “Login & Registration Form” added to it, but if your doesn’t, then you can simply add it from the right sidebar list of elements:

Customize the form as you best see fit, using the left sidebar list of options:

Assign a Unique Form Identifier
Next, we will be using the unique form identifier in Thrive Automator, in order to make sure the automation will start only when this particular form is submitted.
For that, click on the “Edit Form Elements” button:

Then expand the states panel and select “Registration Form”:

And then in the left sidebar, look for the “Advanced” section and expand it:

The system will assign an unique form identifier by default, that you can copy/remember when setting up the automation:

However, what you can do is delete the currently existing one and type in your own:

When you have finished setting up the registration state of the form, return to the main options by clicking on the “Done” button:

After successful login/registration
Another thing you can do while working with the “Login & Registration Form” element is deciding what should happen after the successful login and registration:

Simply open the corresponding drop-down and select from the available list of options:

With this set up you are now ready to save your page. Don’t forget to take the same steps for each of your free courses.
2. Add the Course to a Product in Thrive Apprentice
Next, you can access Thrive Automator and make sure each course is protected by a product:

Here’s are some articles that you might find useful, if you want to find out more about this topic:
Add your course to a product from the “Access restrictions” tab of your main course dashboard:

Once you do that, you will be taken to this view where you can configure various settings and restrictions at product level:

Access requirements
Normally, when you get to the “Access requirements” tab, you can protect your product with a checkout tool, or a membership plugin, or even a WordPress role (if you are giving away this product for free):

But if you will be protecting it with a WordPress user role, let’s say a subscriber one, that would mean that all the subscribers of your website would have access to all the courses that are protected with the subscriber role.
There would be no clear segmentation between the different types of courses you are launching, as everyone would get access to all of them, as long as they have the subscriber role.
But, as it’s usually the case, some users are interested in a particular topic, some are interested in a completely different one. So the subscriber interested in a course about topic A might not want to also have access to other three courses about topic B.
So it’s highly important to stress the fact that you should not protect your course with a “Subscriber” role while at this stage.
Just leave the settings as they currently are, and move on the next step.
Access restriction rules
Swipe over to the “Access restriction rules” tab:

By default, all the restriction rules will be automatically set to reflect what has been configured at site level:

This means that the default site behavior will be applied to each of the three possible contexts. Here’s also an article that might help you learn more about this:
What we are interested in here is to redirect the visitors to the pages that we’ve just set up.
Access the options for the “User not logged in” context:

Select the “Redirect to custom page” option:

Here, in the next field that appears, you can look up the landing page:

Note: you can also create the page directly from this view, if you haven’t set it up until now:

If you decide to create the page directly from here, don’t forget to follow the exact same steps described in the first part of this tutorial.
Click on “Save” and proceed to setting up the automation in Thrive Automator:

3. Set up the Automation in Thrive Automator
Access Thrive Automator:

Create a new automation for the first course:

Give it a name and open the first drop-down list to select the “Registration form submitted” trigger:

In the condition drop-down list, look for the “Specific forms” field:

This is where you can look up the unique form identifier that you’ve set up in the “Advanced” section of your form:

After you select the identifier from the list, click on “Done”:

Next, proceed with adding a new action:

Select the “Find or create user” option:

By default, the assigned role will be the “Subscriber” one. You can leave the remaining fields as they are (of, if you want, you can use dynamic values for the first and last names):

Then, add once more a new action:

This time you will be granting access to the user to your Thrive Apprentice product:

Select the course from the list:

And then lastly (and this is optional), add a new action:

Open the actions drop-down list and select “Add user in autoresponder”:

This step is only mandatory if you want to add your newly created users to your mailing list.
Here’s a list of all the integrations supported by Thrive Themes and how to connect to each of them:
Choose the autoresponder from the list:

Set up the required fields and then your automation should be ready:

The only ting left to do is to save and run your automation and the proceed with the same steps for each course for which you want to set up this automated workflow.
At the end of this process, you should have as many free courses as you want, all protected with a Thrive Apprentice product. With the help of Thrive Automator, you can then automate the process of granting access to them one at a time, as well as adding all the new users to an autoresponder.
Hopefully this tutorial was useful to you.
We have other tutorials of this type in this section of our knowledge base: