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Thrive Apprentice and Thrive Automator

Granting Access to Multiple Free Thrive Apprentice Courses Using Thrive Automator

If you have multiple free courses on your website, but you only want to grant access to those users who...

Notifying Students When New Content is Unlocked

In Thrive Apprentice you can now apply drip schedules to your course content, and make certain lessons available for your...

Removing Users From a Premium Course After the Free Trial Expires

In this tutorial, we will have a look at how you can offer a trial version of a Thrive Apprentice...

Enrolling Users in a Course Only After They Pass a Test

This automation example will show you how to achieve the following scenario: Let’s say that you want to enroll users...

Revoking Course Access After a Certain Period

If you’re looking for a way to give someone access to a Thrive Apprentice course for a limited amount of...