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  5. How to “No-index” Thrive Apprentice Content With Yoast SEO

How to “No-index” Thrive Apprentice Content With Yoast SEO

In this article, you can find out how to stop your Thrive Apprentice pages from showing up in the search engine results, by “no-indexing” them with Yoast SEO.

Note: Before proceeding any further, make sure that you have the Yoast SEO plugin installed and active on your WordPress website.

Firstly, go to your WordPress Admin Dashboard. Then, scroll down on the left menu until you see the “SEO” section. Hover over it and look for the “Search Appearance” option of Yoast:

Click on it in order to access the Yoast “Search Appearance” page.

No-index Thrive Apprentice Lessons/ Chapters /Modules

Then, on the Yoast “Search Appearance” page, click on the “Content Types” tab:

Scroll down to see the following sections: Thrive Apprentice Lessons, Thrive Apprentice Chapters, Thrive Apprentice Modules:

Please keep in mind that these may be dependent on what kind of content you have added to your courses so far.

In order to no-index your Thrive Apprentice content, click on each section one by one and select “No” when you have to choose whether the content should show up in search results, as follows:

Thrive Apprentice Lessons

After you click on the “Thrive Apprentice Lessons” section, select “Off” for the “Show Thrive Apprentice Lesson in search results?” question:

Thrive Apprentice Chapters

Once you clicked on the “Thrive Apprentice Chapter” section and it opened, just as before, select “Off” for the “Show Thrive Apprentice Chapter in search results?” question:

Thrive Apprentice Modules

In the “Thrive Apprentice Module” section also select “Off” for the “Show Thrive Apprentice Module in search results?” question:

Naturally, if you only want one or two of these Thrive Apprentice content types to be “no-index”, then you should select “No” only for those specific types, not all three.

Once you have done this, make sure you save the changes by clicking on the blue “Save Changes” button:

Doing this will mean that all of your Thrive Apprentice lessons, chapters, and modules will be set to “no-index” here.

No-index Thrive Apprentice Course Pages

In order to “no-index” your entire Thrive Apprentice content, it is not enough to “no-index” the lessons, chapters, and/or the modules. Since the courses are separate pages, you will have to set these to “no-index” as well.

In order to do that, in the same “Search Appearance” page, select the “Taxonomies” tab:

Scroll down to see the “Courses” section and set it to “Off” in the “Show Courses in search results?” part, like this:

When you are done, make sure to save the changes again.

Now, all of your Thrive Apprentice pages will no longer be indexed and thus they will no longer be displayed in the search engine results.

This concludes the article. If you need more information about Thrive Apprentice and its features, check out the entire Thrive Apprentice knowledge base section.

If you need to find out more about various Thrive Architect elements, make sure to take a look at our knowledge base.

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