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  5. How to Start a Course on the First Monday of the Month

How to Start a Course on the First Monday of the Month

This article details the steps for creating a Drip campaign that will unlock content to your students on the first Monday of every month.

Here’s how you can achieve that:

Create the Drip Campaign

First, make sure your course is created and you’ve published all the lessons you want to drip feed.

I have five lessons for this example, and I plan to unlock them for my students monthly, on the first Monday of each month.

Then, access the “Drip” tab of the same course dashboard and create your campaign:

The drip template lightbox will open:

Select the “Day of the week or month” one and click on “Continue”:

Set up the Campaign

You will next have to configure your campaign:

Select your start trigger. You can use any trigger you want here:

Then, if you scroll down, you will notice that the settings are set by default to unlock content systematically, on the first Monday of every month:

You also have the “Advanced settings” here, where you can either force the users to complete the course content in order, and you can also show the locked content in the lesson list:

You can leave them as they are and simply click on the “Create my campaign” button.

However, you can use all of the available lists of options if you want to further make changes.

Once your template is created, your schedule will look like this:

Apply the Drip Schedule to Your Product

Lastly, after your schedule is set up, you can proceed to the next and final step of the process, which this applying the schedule to your product.

For that, make sure your course is added to a product and then access the products dashboard:

If you want to learn more about how to do that, this article from our knowledge base might be useful to you:

In the product main dashboard, access the “Drip” tab:

Open the available drop-down list and select your newly created schedule:

With this set up, your course should now be drip fed to your students systematically, on the first Monday of every month.

I hope this tutorial was useful to you. There are many more tutorials of this type available in our knowledge base, if you want to find out more about how to use Thrive Apprentice:

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