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  5. Unlocking Course Contents at Different Time Intervals

Unlocking Course Contents at Different Time Intervals

When working with Drip schedules you get a whole range of possible options for drip feeding your course content.

In this article we’re having a look at how you can set up custom time intervals, so that you can create a pause between two different lessons that are being dripped. As an example, I will be using a Thrive Apprentice course, that consists of eight lessons, split into two modules. Each module ends with a final exam:

Each lesson will be drip fed on a weekly basis. Before the last lesson of each module, I want to add two weeks of pause that will allow my students to prepare for the final exam.

This can be easily achieved with the help of a custom drip schedule.

Here are the steps:

Create the Drip Campaign

First, access the course from the “Courses” tab of your Thrive Apprentice:

Then, head over to the “Drip” tab and add a new schedule. If you haven’t created a drip campaign before, you’ll see this screen where you can create your first campaign:

Set up the Campaign

Next, you’ll be prompted with this lightbox where you can decide what template to use:

We will be using the “Start from scratch” template:

The next step is to set up the campaign and give it a name:

The event that should trigger this campaign can be either of these three options:

Then, for the unlock content drop-down select the “Custom unlock conditions” option:

This will mean that you will be able to set up your own custom unlock conditions directly on your course content:

Apply Custom Unlock Conditions

After you create your campaign, you will be taken to the overall campaign schedule. As you can see, all the lessons are unlocked at the moment, and you can manually set up unlock conditions for each lesson:

Click on the “Unlocked” button next to the first lesson:

Set up the first unlock rule as it follows.

The unlock condition should be set to “Time after campaign trigger”:

Next, set up the condition so that the content will be unlocked only after one week. After you do that, click on “Add” to make sure your condition has been added:

Save your work, and proceed to adding a new unlock condition, for the second lesson.

Select the same unlock condition. The difference this time is that the content will be unlocked after two weeks:

Follow the same steps for each lesson you want to unlock.

Then, for the lesson for which you want to break this pattern and unlock it after a longer amount of time, simply input a higher number of weeks.

So let’s say that before the lesson that contains my final exam, I want to add two extra weeks that will allow the student to prepare:

This means that when I am setting up the unlock condition, I will add two weeks on top of the four week period that would have normally followed if I had continued with the weekly content drip:

The schedule should look like this now:

Follow the same steps for each module you have.

Apply the Drip Schedule to Your Product

Lastly, after your schedule is set up, you can proceed to the next and final step of the process, which this applying the schedule to your product.

For that, make sure your course is added to a product:

If you want to learn more about how to do that, this article from our knowledge base might be useful to you:

Then, in the product main dashboard, access the “Drip” tab:

Assign the drip schedule that you’ve just created:

As you can see, you can have multiple drip campaigns, and decide which you want to apply.

And that’s it!

This is how you can set up custom time intervals for your content, in order to create a pause between two different lessons that are being dripped.

We have many more articles of this type in our knowledge base, if you want to learn more about this topic:

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