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  5. Integrating Lesson and Course List Elements in Your Thrive Apprentice

Integrating Lesson and Course List Elements in Your Thrive Apprentice

The “Lesson List” element that we’ve recently added to our editor is a great one if you want to showcase a list of the lessons inside one of your courses, anywhere on your site.

Similarly, the “Course List” element will let you display a list of your courses throughout your website.

If you need information on how to use the basic options of these elements, please check out these articles first:

In this article, I will go through some ways in which the elements can be used, besides the regular add it to any post/page way.

The “Lesson List” element

Use the element on your course sales page

A great usage of the element is to add it to one of your course sales pages, to show potential students what lessons they get access to when they purchase the course.

As an example, I have created a page on which I will let the users sign up to get early access to one of my courses:

I want to include a section, placed right above the “Lead Generation” element, and insert a “Lesson List” element, so that the people that are wondering whether they want to purchase the course or not can see which lessons are included, which will help them decide.

For that, I will simply drag and drop a “Lesson List” element onto my editor:

I will then select the course for which I want to showcase the lessons:

And, just like that, a list of the lessons provided in the course will appear here:

Of course, you can then customize this element as you wish. Again, if you want to do that, you can check out this article, in which we’ve explained how to use each of the options of the element.

To even further customize the page, I will also add a “Text” element above the list of lessons:

So that the newly-added section looks like this:

I have also set the default state of the element to “Collapsed”, and this is what my page will look like:

This is one way in which you can use the “Lesson List” element.

Use the element in the sidebar of your course

With the new Thrive Apprentice visual editing process, you can now create templates for different types of content of your online school.

When you edit a “Lesson” template, you can, for example, include a “Lesson List” element in the sidebar of it, so that, again, the students will be able to see which other lessons are included in that course:

Here’s how to do that:

From your Thrive Apprentice dashboard, access the “Design” tab:

Choose the design for which you want to edit the template, hover over it, and click on “Edit Design”:

To access the templates section, go to the “Templates editor” card and click on “Manage Templates”:

And, in order to edit a Lesson Template, hover over the one that you wish to modify and click on “Edit”:

This will open the template editor, in which you can add or remove elements, as well as edit the entire aspect of that template.

Since in this example I wanted to show you how to add the element to the navigation sidebar, I will have to click on the sidebar section first, to select it:

With the sidebar selected, you will still have to choose whether you want to edit or unlink the sidebar:

  • if you edit the sidebar, you will modify all of the templates where the same sidebar has been applied;
  • if you want to only modify the sidebar for a single specific template, you should use the “Unlink” option;

In this case, I will choose the “Edit” option, since I want to insert the “Lesson List” element inside all of the templates where this sidebar has been used:

I will then click on the plus sign from the right sidebar, to open the list of elements:

Once you find the “Lesson List” element, you can grab it and drag and drop it inside the sidebar:

Click on “Done” when you are finished editing the sidebar:

And there you have it, another useful way of using the “Lesson List” element, but this time inside a Thrive Apprentice template.

Similarly, you can make great use out of the “Course List” element, and here is an example:

The Course List Element

Use the element on your online school sales page

When it comes to integrating the “Course List” element, one place in which you can insert it is inside a sales page for your entire online school, for example.

This is where you could add a “Course List” element, so that the students can see which courses they get access to if they sign up and enroll in your online school.

Here is an example: on this sales page, I can also add a new section to showcase the courses that are currently available in my online school. For that, I will click on the plus sign from the right sidebar, to open the list of elements:

I will then add a “Text” element, accompanied by the “Course List” element:

The end result will look something like this:

 And what’s great about the “Course List” element is that you are able to use the “Filter Courses” option to choose which courses should be displayed, in case you do not want all of them to be included:

Of course, the element can be customized in various ways, and you can use it as you wish, on your websites.

These were just some examples of ways in which the two elements, the “Lesson List” and the “Course List” can be integrated.

I really hope this article was useful. Don’t forget to check out the rest of the articles and tutorials from our knowledge base, as well.

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