Setting up Thrive Apprentice Email Templates

From the “Settings” section of Thrive Apprentice, it is important that you set up the email template, which will allow you to customize the email the users get when they sign up on your site.

Access Thrive Apprentice and open the “Settings” section:

From the left sidebar, go to “Email Templates”:

Email delivery service

Once you access the “Email templates” section, the first thing you will see is the “Email delivery service” dropdown:

You can choose to integrate with an email delivery service such as PostMark or SendGrid for increased deliverability. Otherwise, emails will be sent directly from your server.

For this reason, depending on how many transactional email services you have set up so far (in case you have done so), the options found in this dropdown might vary.

Here’s a list of all the currently supported services:

For example, after setting up the API connection to Mailgun, I will have this new option available in the dropdown:

If I select Mailgun here, the transactional emails will then be sent from their server, instead of your website’s server.

Email Templates

If you choose the “New account created” option, you will be able to create a custom email that users will get when signing up (regardless of the option chosen in the “Email delivery service” dropdown:

You are able to set up the email template from here:

  1. Subject

    If you want to change the default “Your account has been created” email subject, go ahead and replace it from this field:

  2. Message

    The actual email can be modified and customized as you wish, from the “Message” field

    By default, the email will contain a few shortcodes, so that it includes the relevant user information.

    For example, these shortcodes are the ones that will show users their username and password:

    The details in the actual email will look like this:

  3. Add shortcode

    In case you want to include more dynamic information in the email, you can insert more shortcodes. Simply select one from the dropdown and click on “Insert Shortcode”:

  4. Email triggers

    Lastly, choose which actions should be the email triggers (in which situations this email should be sent):

    Make sure you check the checkboxes in front of the triggers that you have set up. For example, if the users have to purchase a course and you have used ThriveCart to set this up, make sure the second email trigger is checked here.

    Click on “Save template” to save everything.

This is how you can set up the email templates that are being sent on your behalf.

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