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  5. Using API Connections Section in Thrive Dashboard

Using API Connections Section in Thrive Dashboard

In the API Connections section of the Thrive Dashboard you will be able to find all the supported services listed in one place:

The API connection is the tool that allows you to connect and share information between two different systems. So, in other words, you can to connect the Thrive Suite products to other systems, such as email delivery systems, email marketing systems or webinar systems, etc.

One of the most common uses of an API integration is for when you would like to have a list of subscribers for your newsletter. For that you need a service that would allow you store the data (such as e-mail addresses, usernames, etc.) and automatically send out e-mails on your behalf.

The easiest way to access the API Connections section is to first head over to your Thrive Dashboard:

And, in the new dashboard that opens, scroll down and you will be able to find the API Connection card listed under the Thrive Features section. Click on “Manage Connections”:

Here’s where you can find all the API connections already set up in your website (if you have any). If not, this page will be blank, but you will have the option of adding a new connection directly from here:

Add new Connection

To add a new connection, simply click on “Add new Connection”:

Next, open the app drop-down list:

And lastly, pick a service from the list:

The process from here onwards might be slightly different from service to service. In all cases, you will have to insert some API details (such as an API Key, API Secret, API Token, Client ID and so on).

Here’s an example of the API details requested for the MailerLite integration:

And here’s an example of the API details requested for the Drip integration:

These details can be taken directly from your account of the service you are trying to integrate with.

We have separate articles for each of the supported services, which you can find linked in this overview article from our knowledge base:

If you want to quickly learn more about the API process of the service you are trying to integrate with, then use the “I need help with this” button from the connection card:

This will trigger a lightbox with a step-by-step video tutorial:

After you’ve successfully integrated with one of the supported services, you will get this success notification:

Click on “Done” and return to the API manager:

Edit an Existing Connection

Once your connection is ready and available in the API manager, it will show up like this:

On the connection card you will notice these three options you can use:

The first one will allow you to test the connection and see if it works:

Clicks on this options and if this is working properly, you’ll get this notification:

You’ll next have the option of editing the connection details:

Which will just take you back to the initial set of required details:

For example, this “Edit” option might come in handy if you connection is not working properly and you’d like to insert the API details once more.

And lastly, you can remove the connection anytime from this option:

This will remove the connection, which will not be listed anymore in your API manager.

Besides the already mentioned article from our knowledge base, you might also want to check out the entire dedicated section, that I will link here.

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