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  5. Sharing a Course Completion Certificate When a Member Finishes a Course

Sharing a Course Completion Certificate When a Member Finishes a Course

In Thrive Apprentice you can issue course completion certificates to the students who successfully finish a course. But, if you want to make sure that the certificate will be issued only to those students who get a passing grade, then you should use Thrive Apprentice together with Thrive Quiz Builder.

This article will detail the steps of adding a quiz to the last lesson of your course, and making sure that it’s a mandatory lesson. Furthermore, you can use the features available in Thrive Quiz Builder and Thrive Apprentice to make sure that the completion certificate will be issued only to those students who get a passing grade.

Setting up the Quiz

First, you can head over to Thrive Quiz Builder and set up your quiz:

I’ve created a numeric type of quiz, in which each question has two possible answers:

For each correct answer the student will get one point:

The main goal is to allow the students that score at least eight points in the quiz to receive a course completion certificate.

Configuring the Results Page

After you’re done setting up the questions and correct answers, proceed to the next step, which is configuring the results page:

Here you can customize it in such a way to let the students know whether they have successfully completed the course or if they have to retake the quiz.

I’ve also added a dynamic link that takes the students back to the beginning of the quiz, if they haven’t managed to get a passing grade:

Here’s a detailed article that explains how you can do that:

With your quiz created, you can proceed to the next step, which is embedding in in your Thrive Apprentice lesson.

Create the Course

First of all, create your Thrive Apprentice course. The course I’ve set up has a beginner and an intermediate module, each containing several lessons, a recap and then the final exam:

The last lesson of my beginner module is called “Final Exam”, due to the fact that it will have the quiz that I’ve just set up in Thrive Quiz Builder.

Embedding the Quiz

To embed your quiz in the lesson, you first have to open the lesson content with in the Thrive visual editor:

Look for the “Quiz” element in the right sidebar:

Drag and drop it onto your lesson content:

And lastly, select the quiz that you need from the drop-down that appears on screen:

It will show right up in your lesson content:

Configure the ‘Mark as Complete’ Settings

The next step is the process is making sure that the student cannot mark this lesson as complete unless the required score is achieved.

For that, with your quiz selected, access the left sidebar options and expand the “Apprentice options” section:

Enable the “mark as complete” toggle:

In the drop-down that shows up, make sure you select the “User achieves minimum score” option:

And set the value for the passing grade (in this case, a minimum of eight points);

Here’s a separate article in our knowledge base that explains how to use this feature:

Lastly, activate this toggle if you want to make sure the course progress is saved for each user:

Now save your page and return to the main course overview:

Course Completion Behavior

Lastly, access the “Course completion” tab:

Activate the course completion behavior toggle if you want to customize what happens when a student completes a course:

Then, in order to be able to start issuing certificates for your students, activate the course completion toggle:

You’ll next have to read and accept the data processing agreement for issuing the PDF certificates:

Finally, you’ll be able to view or customize the course completion certificate from these options that will become available:

We have some resources in our knowledge base that you might find useful if you want to learn more about the features you can use in the “Course completion” tab:

With this set up, you now have a course for which certificates of completion are issued only when the students get the required passing grade.

All the students who score at least eight points in the quiz will be able to mark the last lesson as complete:

When they do that, they will be redirected to the course completion page, where they can download the certificate:

The certificate will be saved on their computer, as a PDF file:

This is how you can issue course completion certificates in Thrive Apprentice only for those students who get a passing grade in your quiz.

I hope you found this tutorial useful! As always don’t hesitate to read more about our products and features in our knowledge base.

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