Shop Page is Displaying ‘Categories’ Instead of ‘Products’

The WooCommerce “Shop” template from Thrive Theme Builder allows you to display a list of products, as they are set up in your WooCommerce dashboard:

However, there might be instances in which the template displays the product categories instead of the actual list of products. Your left sidebar shows the “Product List Options”, but the actual template displays the categories of your online shop and not the products:

In this article, we’ll have a look at why this is happening and how you can change that.

If you’d like to learn more general information about the “Shop” template, make sure to check out this article from our knowledge base:

Access the WordPress Settings

First of all, hover over the “Appearance” section of your WordPress admin dashboard:

This will trigger a sub-menu, where you can go ahead and click on “Customize”:

On the page that opens expand the “WooCommerce” section from the left sidebar:

And once more you will be prompted with a list of sections, where you need to access the “Product Catalog”:

Here’s where you can make various changes to how your WooCommerce products and categories are displayed on your website:

As already mentioned, if your “Shop” template is displaying categories instead of products, this is probably due to the fact that the “Show categories” field is selected here, in the first drop-down:

Simply open the list and select “Show products” instead:

Once done click on “Publish” and return to the WordPress admin dashboard:

Open the “Shop” Template in Thrive Theme Builder

You can now go back in Thrive Theme Builder:

Make sure you are in the “Templates” section, and here, look for the WooCommerce set of templates:

This will open the list of available WooCommrece templates. The “Shop” template will be listed under the List Templates section. Once found, click on “Edit”:

Your template should now display the products list instead of the categories one:

You can simply click on the “Shop” element from your template, and then start using the left sidebar options:

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