Introduction And Basic Settings



Build a Conversion Focused Website From Scratch With Thrive Theme Builder

The 4 Conversion Focus Checkpoints (01:16)

Your website needs to hit 4 important conversion focus checkpoints if you want it to grow a mailing list and make sales for your online business. They include:

  1. Clarity, Readability and Structure
  2. Site Speed Optimization
  3. Explicit Calls to Action
  4. Conversion Pages

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to achieve all four of these conversion focus benchmarks when creating your own WordPress website with Thrive Theme Builder and Thrive Architect.

Basic Settings & Plugins You'll Need for Your WordPress Website (02:34)

If you’re brand new to WordPress, this section of the tutorial will help you get started by explaining which basic WordPress settings you'll need to specify as well as which plugins we recommend you install.

On the other hand, if you already have a WordPress website up and running with content published, skip ahead to (08:22) in the video.

Key Settings To Specify in Your WordPress Dashboard (02:34)

Watch this section of the tutorial video to make sure you establish all key initial settings on your site after installing WordPress.

Recommended Plugins (03:21)

We recommend downloading and installing the following plugins on your new WordPress site:

  • Thrive Product Manager >> use this plugin to download & activate Thrive Theme Builder (a WordPress theme) and Thrive Architect (a WordPress plugin)… as well as any other Thrive Themes product you own
  • Askismet Anti-Spam >> if you want to enable comments on your blog
  • Either Yoast SEO or SEOPress >> to help you with Search Engine Optimization
  • FakerPress >> use to generate dummy content on a brand new site with no content yet (to help in your theme design and setup)
  • WP Legal Pages >> use this plugin to help generate the privacy policy, disclaimer and terms & conditions pages you need on your website.

Note: Don’t forget to activate each plugin after you install them!

Create Your Basic Structural Pages (06:09)

Next, you will create a structural framework for your website by creating place holders for important pages you'll later populate with content. This includes your:

  • About Page
  • Lead Generation Page
  • Sales Page
  • Any other mission critical page (Start Here Page, Recommended Resources Page, Contact Page, etc.)
  • Legal Pages (Privacy Policy Page, Disclaimer Page, Terms of Service Page, etc.)
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