Take Your WordPress Site to the Next Level



Next Level WordPress Site

When preparing this training, I pondered a lot over the question "What IS the next level for a website" and I realised that there are a lot of possible answers depending on the type of site and the current state.

So in an attempt to make this training as useful as possible for everyone, I decided to follow a well known framework to improve user experience.

When your users have a better experience with your site, you site becomes more valuable to your business AND to your users.

That's why in this training you'll discover how to increae your site's value through the following criteria:

  • Useful: Does your website serve a purpose in the eyes of your target audience
  • Credible: Can your site visitor trust in what you provide
  • Desirable: Is your website pleasing to the eye?
  • Accessible: Is your website accessible to users of a full range of abilities.
  • Useable: Can your visitor effectively and efficiently achieve their end goal?
  • Findable: Is the information your visitor seeks easy to find?

1. How to Improve What Your Visitors Think & Feel


To improve the usefullness of your site, you need to be crystal clear on the following:

Why does your website exist?

Because then you can ask yourself if it's abundantly clear to your visitors...

It seems simple, but please don't skip over this! Over the years doing website audits I've seen more people go wrong on this very point then on any of the other ones.

Read More: How to Craft a Compelling Unique Selling Proposition


If your visitor has even an ounce of doubt about the credibility of your site, they won't convert.

They won't give you their email, they won't buy.

Ways to increase your site's credibility factor today:


This means your website had to LOOK good.

How to Create Beautiful Web Design for Non-Designers

2. How to Improve How Visitors Use Your Site

Accessible for Humans and Robots

  • Readability: Watch out with colors and text on picture backgrounds
  • Alt-text: the alternative attribute is used on images to allow search engines to read what the image is about and it is displayed in case the original image can not be displayed. It's good practice to fill out the alt-text on images.
  • Use headings correctly: to learn more click here


What's the end goal for a visitor on your website?

See how you can use the Smartlinks feature in Thrive Leads to show non-subscribers an opt-in form and subscribers a different offer.


If you have any questions, don't hesitate and leave them in the comments below!

And don't forget, all our tools are included in the Thrive Membership which costs a fraction of the price of what you would pay for the tools individually.

  • What happened to the ‘Website Build’ webinar from 2nd June? Has the replay been uploaded somewhere else?

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