Designing Courses

Editing a Thrive Apprentice Pre-built Design

The Thrive Apprentice pre-built designs offer full visual editing, which means that you can customize every design-related aspect of your...

Switching From the Legacy Thrive Apprentice Editor to the New Visual Editor

Our new visual editor of Thrive Apprentice will allow you to fully customize every aspect of your courses, lessons and...

Applying a Template to a Thrive Apprentice Content

In this article, we will have a look at the steps that need to be made in order to apply...

Adding a New Lesson Template in Thrive Apprentice

When you are designing your Thrive Apprentice course using the visual editor, you have the possibility of creating new lesson...

Adding a Video Description for Your Thrive Apprentice Course

In Thrive Apprentice, when you create a new course or edit an existing one, you have the possibility to add...