
Facebook API Deactivated Due to Enforcement Error – What Can I Do?

When using Thrive Suite, you can connect your website to Facebook, in order to allow users to connect via Facebook...

“Are You Sure You Want to Do This?” WordPress Error Message During Plugin Upload – Troubleshooting

Sometimes when you upload your plugin to your site you might receive an error message that looks like this: This...

Solving the ‘No License Installations Found’ Error

It can happen that you encounter a warning message while trying to install the Thrive Suite on your website. It...

Fixing the 404 Not Found Error

Issue It might happen that you can encounter the ‘404 – Not Found’ error when you are trying to save...

Landing Page Template Won’t Load – WP Super Cache Conflict and Fix

WP Super Cache is a popular caching plugin that can cause a conflict with Thrive Architect, specifically when trying to...