Thrive Architect Elements

Using the Global Style Feature on Background Sections in Thrive Architect

The “Global Style Feature” allows you to create a certain style for a Background Section, which you can later apply...

Using the Credit Card Element in Thrive Architect

Use this element if you offer specific payment methods for your clients and you want them displayed on your page....

Linking a Button or Text Element to an Email Address

Creating a link/button that users can tap on to quickly send an email to your service will come in very...

Using WooCommerce Widgets in Thrive Architect

Do you want to use the WooCommerce widgets on a page built using Thrive Architect? When you have Thrive Architect...

Using the Pricing Table Element in Thrive Architect

Add the Element to Post/Page The “Pricing Table Element” will give you a quick and easy way of adding a...