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Thrive Architect Functionalities

Creating a Round Image in Thrive Architect

If you are planning on adding an image to a Thrive Architect-created post/page and you want to make it round,...

Sample Use Cases of the Thrive Architect Dynamic Text Feature

Dynamic text is a piece of content that changes based on the current properties of the project, map frame, map,...

Using the Hover Effect for Thrive Architect Elements

A hover effect is the alteration of the appearance of an element once you move the cursor around and it...

Using the Logout Redirect in Thrive Architect

In Thrive Architect, you can now use the “Redirect after successful logout” option for deciding were the users should be...

Adding a WhatsApp Button to Your Website Using Thrive Architect

This short article will show you how you can add a WhatsApp icon to the header of your site (in...