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  5. Adding a Testimonial to Your Page with Thrive Architect

Adding a Testimonial to Your Page with Thrive Architect

Adding a testimonial to your page can easily be done with the “Testimonial” element. Here is how:

Add the Element to the Post/Page

First, click on the “plus” sign from your right sidebar in order to load the list of available elements:

Then, once you find the “Testimonial” element in the list, drag & drop it to your page:

You can select the testimonial template that is most suitable for your page, from the pop-up that opens when you add it to your page:

In order to choose a template, simply click on it, and it will be applied to the element.

You will see that the template consists of more elements that you can customize and personalize individually. You should make any changes that you consider necessary by clicking on the specific elements and using their options.

One of the most important things to change is the default text of the template. You should replace the text with the actual testimonial about your business.

Moreover, if you have chosen a template with pictures, you should also replace the pictures with the images of your own clients/customers. Then, you can make any kind of styling changes that you see fit.

Choose the Template

You can change the testimonial template anytime by clicking on the first available field from the left sidebar:

The same pop-up with the templates will open. Scroll down to find the one you want to replace the first one with. Click on it in order to select it, and then click on “Replace Template”:

Note: If you want to replace the template, make sure you do this before adding any content or customize the existing content of the “Testimonials” element. This is because, when changing the template, all the initial content and modifications will be lost.

Use the Main Options

From the “Main Options” section you can further customize the testimonials, with the help of the following options:

  • Content Width and Height

You can modify the maximum width and the minimum height of the content of the testimonials by dragging the slider under these options or entering a value manually in the boxes next to them:

  • Add link to Content Box

You can also add a link to the “Content Box” with the help of the next available option. Just activate the toggle next to the “Add link to Content Box”:

This will open up another set of options, which you can use just like you would do with any other element to which you would add a link:

  • Vertical Position

You can adjust the vertical position of the elements in your testimonial. You just have to click on the position in which you would like the testimonials to be displayed:

Use the Rest of the Options

Just like for other elements, the more general options, are also available for the “Testimonial” element as well. You can further change the look and feel of the testimonials, by applying a “Background Style”, “Borders and Corners” or “Shadow”:

Should you need more info on how the Thrive Architect elements work, please follow this link.

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