Choosing an Element Template in Thrive Architect

Some of the Thrive Architect elements have pre-defined template libraries you can use when customizing their design.

Whenever you are adding such an element to your post or page, you will notice that there’s a separate section available in the left sidebar from where you can replace the template anytime you want.

There are several elements for which you can access the template library, such as the “Button”, “Background Section”, “Content Box”, “Custom Menu” and so on.

For this example, I will use a “Progress Bar”, but keep in mind that the same steps are applicable for all the above-mentioned elements and many more like them.

Add the Element to the Post/Page

The first thing you need to do is to add the element to your page, by clicking on the plus sign of the right sidebar:

Look for it within the available list of elements, or simply type its name in the search field:

Drag and drop the element to your page and the template library will show up on the screen. Pick the desired template for your element:

After you do that, the “Progress Bar” will load on your page with the selected template:

The next step is to start customizing it using the “Main Options” of the left sidebar:

Choose the Template

You will notice that the first section of the left sidebar is the template library, which you can access anytime you want to change the template of the element:

Note: If you want to replace the template, make sure you do this before customizing the existing content and style of the selected element. Once you pick a new template and replace the previously existing one, all the changes you’ve made up to that point will be lost.

Click anywhere on the field, and this will trigger the template library once more. Now you can browse through the available list, and select another template:

As simple as that the new template has been added to your “Progress Bar”:

Just as already mentioned, this template section of the left sidebar is available for every element that has a pre-defined template library.

Therefore, if the element has by default a pre-defined temple library, you will be able to select it when first adding the element to your page, and then replace the existing template anytime you want, from the left sidebar options.

I hope this article was useful to you! Don’t hesitate to check out other articles and tutorials available in our knowledge base if you want to learn more about our products 🙂

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