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  5. Gamifying Thrive Apprentice Courses with GamiPress

Gamifying Thrive Apprentice Courses with GamiPress

You can use the GamiPress and Thrive Apprentice integration to add gamification to your online school.

This means that anytime your students complete a lesson, module or course they are awarded points. Based on those points, they can unlock different achievements and ranks. This keeps them engaged and motivated to keep coming back to learn more and unlock other types of rewards.

In this example I will be showing you how to create point types and award them to your online school students, each time they complete a lesson.

Here’s how the integration works and how you can use it on your website.

Install & Activate GamiPress

First, download and install GamiPress:

You’ll also need the Thrive Apprentice integration add-on, that you can find it linked here:

Lastly, don’t forget to activate the plugin and the add-on, once they show up in the plugin directory:

Add a New Point Type

Next, let’s see how to set up various point types that will be awarded to your students each time they complete a lesson.

If you want to learn about other type of achievements and ranks, check out how to do that on the GamiPress documentation page.

Access the “Points Types” section from your main GamiPress dashboard:

Add a new type of point:

Configure it as you best see fit:

Automatically Awarding Points

Next, you can automate the process of granting points to students each time they complete a lesson. For that, expand the “Automatic Points Awards” section:

Open the first drop-down list and look for the Thrive Apprentice integration:

Select an action from the list. For this example, I’ve selected the “Complete any lesson” field, and then I used the available settings to define the way in which the user could retrieve the points:

Note: You can add more than just one points awards, as the integration with Thrive Apprentice supports multiple actions.

Once you are done with your configuration, click on “Save All Points Awards” and then make sure you publish the newly added point type:

Display Settings

In order to show your students what they’ve earned on each completed lesson, you’ll have to set up a widget from the “Appearance” section of your WordPress admin dashboard:

Configure the Widget

Select where you’d like to display the widget:

Look for the “GamiPress: Point Types” widget in the list of available widgets:

Find the one that you want (in this case the point types one), and configure it:

When you are done with your settings, don’t forget to hit the “Update” button to save your changes:

Displaying the Widget Area

You’ll next have to make sure that the widget that you’ve just set up will be displayed on your default lesson template.

Access the lesson template from the template editor:

Look for the “Widget Area” in the list of elements and place it on your lesson template:

I’ve added mine in the sidebar:

Save your template and preview your lesson. Your widget area should show the GamiPress point types, just as you’ve set it up:

This articles from our knowledge base might be useful to you if you want to learn more about the process described above:

The awarded points and rewards will be listed under the “User Earnings” section of GamiPress:

Here’s where you can view what each user has unlocked and when:

I hope this quick guide about how to use GamiPress and Thrive Apprentice to add gamification to your online school.

Make sure to check out our knowledge base for more tutorials of this type.

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