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  5. Using the Content Section in Thrive Theme Builder

Using the Content Section in Thrive Theme Builder

This article will explain how to use and customize the “Content” section when building your website using Thrive Theme Builder.

You can start customizing the section as soon as you enter the Thrive Theme Builder editor.

After you open the Thrive Theme Builder editor, on the left sidebar, you will see the “Main Options” section:

Here, you can simply click on the section that you want to edit. In this case, click on “Content”:

You will now be able to do modifications to the content area, by using the options under the “Content Section” part of the left sidebar:

Use the”Content” Section Options

Add Content to the Section

Before doing modifications to the way the section looks, you can start by adding elements to the “Content” section, if you want.

You can add any of the elements available in the element list. To do that, click on the plus sign from the right sidebar. This opens the list of the elements, and you can simply drag and drop each element into the “Content” section.

After you add each element, its options will appear in the left sidebar. You can use those options in order to customize the elements until your “Content” section looks the way you want it to. We have separate articles about each element, you can find them in the “Thrive Theme Builder” section of our knowledge base.

In order to go back to the “Content” section settings, click on “Content Area” in the breadcrumbs:

Note: Check out this article to see what is the difference between the Content Area, Content Wrapper, and Layout Container, in Thrive Theme Builder.

After you have added and customized the section, you can save it and use it later in other templates, as well. Here is how to do that:

Save and reuse

In order to save the “Content” section, click on the “Save and reuse” button:

When you do that, a pop-up will open, where you have to enter its name, and then click on the blue “Save to Library” button:

​Then, you will be able to use the newly created “Content” section by clicking on the “Choose a design” option. You will find the newly saved section under the “My Saved Content Sections” tab:

After saving a “Content” section, there are three more options that you can use:

Here is what each of these does:

  • The “Choose a design” option allows you to replace the section. You can either use a pre-built section, or you can choose one of your saved “Content” sections. This option is described in more detail below.
  • If you choose “Edit”, you will enter the “Edit Mode”.

Here, you can make modifications to the “Content” section. This can be done by using the options that appear in the left sidebar when you access the “Edit Mode”:

These options are also described a bit later in the article. Besides using them, feel free to add more elements to the section. Remember that if you want to make any modifications to the actual content of the “Content” section, you have to switch to Thrive Architect:

When you’re done using the “Edit Mode”, click on the orange “Done” button in order to go back to the section options:

  • Lastly, the “Unlink” option can be useful if you want to modify the section, without affecting the other templates that have the same “Content” section.

This is because if you unlink the “Content” section, the modifications you apply to it will not be applied to the other templates where the same saved section is used. They will only be applied to the “Content” section (and the template) that you are editing at the moment.

Also, after you choose a section, only a few options will be available. However, if you unlink the section, you will be able to use the rest of the options, described below.

Choose a Design

You can also use the “Choose Design” option. This is where you can replace the “Content” section and use a pre-built one, or one that you have previously saved. If you want to do that, click on “Choose a Design”:

A pop-up will open, where you can choose a new section from. They will depend on the theme that you have previously chosen. You have the option of choosing from the “Theme Content Sections” or “My Saved Content Sections”:

As mentioned before, if you have saved a section, you can find it under the “My Saved Content Sections” tab. Click on the section that you prefer in order to use it, and it will automatically be applied to the template.

After you have chosen the “Content” section that best fits, feel free to use the rest of the options below.

Use the rest of the options

Section Minimum Height

The option that comes next is the “Section minimum height” one. This option allows you to choose the minimum height of the “Content” section. If you want to modify it, either drag the slider from side to side or manually enter a numerical value in the field next to the slider:

Vertical Position

The next option, below the “Section Minimum Height” one, is the “Vertical Position” option. You can choose how the “Content” section should be aligned vertically. Choose one of the positions by clicking on the one you prefer:

Section Minimum Width

Next comes the “Section Minimum Width” option. Similar to the “Section Minimum Height” one, if you want to modify the width, simply drag the slider from side to side, or manually enter a numerical value in the field next to the slider:

These were all the ways in which you can customize the “Content” section using the “Content Section” options from the left sidebar. Remember that you can also use the rest of the options such as “Background Style”, “Layout & Position”, etc., all for which we have written separate articles in our Knowledge Base.

If you need to find out more information about various Thrive Theme Builder elements and options, you can find it here.

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