When using the Thrive Architect visual editor to customize your courses, you can use the right sidebar to add elements to your templates.
Note: The list of elements might vary depending on what type of template you are editing. Hence, you might find different elements when you are editing a lesson template than when you are editing a module template.
To access the right sidebar list of elements, you will first have to access the “Template editor” section, from your Thrive Apprentice design.
Access Thrive Apprentice
First, head over to your WordPress admin dashboard, hover over Thrive Dashboard, and select Thrive Apprentice from the submenu that opens:
In the navigation bar, click on “Design”:
If you are planning to work on the currently active design, then click on “Edit Design”:
Note: You can also edit the template of a design that is not yet published and active and to do that, you simply have to hover over the design in the “Unpublished designs” section and click on “Edit”:
Keep in mind that this feature is not available for the Legacy editor.
Edit a template
In the new dashboard that appears on the screen, click on “Manage templates”:
Here’s where you will be able to view the full list of available templates you can work on:
This article from our knowledge base might be useful to you if you want to learn more about how to create and use Thrive Apprentice templates, as well as how to find other resources related to this topic.
Hover over the template you would like to access and click on “Edit”:
This will take you to the Thrive Apprentice editor, where you can customize the template as you best see fit:
Add elements to your template
In order to add an element, open the right sidebar list of elements by clicking on the plus icon:
All the elements that you can use on the selected template will be listed there:
All you have to do is simply drag and drop the desired element onto your template, like so:
Almost all elements are dynamic, which means that once placed onto your template, they will display the information relevant to the lesson content you are currently working on.
The content can be selected from the top right corner of the editor:
In this example, I will be using the “Standard Lesson” template or an already existing lesson from my Thrive Apprentice course:
The “Content” element allows you to quickly display the content of your lesson anywhere on your template:
This element comes by default with each template, and cannot be removed:
What this means is that you need to have always at least one “Content” element on your template, but you can still add as many as you want on top of the already existing one (and of course, remove them as well, as long as one “Content” element will still be kept on the template).
Lesson Resources
With the help of this element, you are able to display your lesson resources:
As I am previewing this template on a lesson content that has resources added to it, this element will automatically load and display those resources, just as showcased above.
You can find linked here a dedicated article that explains all the options you can use for this element.
Lesson List
The “Lesson List” element allows you to display your Thrive Apprentice lessons, courses, or modules anywhere on your template:
The element will autodetect the course on which you are currently working, and load it by default. Here as well we have a separate article that you might find useful when working with this element.
Course List
Similar to the previously described element, the “Course List” can be used in those situations in which you want to display a preview of some/all of your courses:
Author Image
If you want to display the “Author Image” on your templates, then you can easily do that with the help of this element:
The element will pull the image set in the “Author settings” section from your Thrive Apprentice course:
We have some articles that you might find useful here, which I will link below:
- How to Create Your First Thrive Apprentice Course (see the “Teacher Image” paragraph)
- How to Use the Author Image Element (find out how to set up your WordPress user image)
Mark as complete
Naturally, with the help of this element, you can quickly display a button that, when clicked, will mark the current lesson “as complete”, whilst also redirecting the student to the next lesson:
You can view the dynamic link applied to this button, from the left sidebar list of options:
Next lesson / Previous lesson
Both elements work pretty similarly, which means that when clicked, they will either take the student to the next or previous lesson:
However, if the “Next lesson” button is placed, for example, on the last lesson of your course, then, of course, it cannot redirect the student to the next lesson but will rather act as a redirect to the course overview button:
The same works for the “Previous lesson” button – when placed on the first lesson, it will display by default a “To course overview” text (since there’s no other lesson before the first one):
Call to action
This button is available when you are editing a course overview template:
This button will capture the current status of each course directly from Thrive Apprentice, based on the “Call to action button” labels that you’ve configured in your dashboard. Thus, the user is able to view which courses are already started, not started at all, completed, and so on:
Course difficulty
The difficulty of the course can also be displayed on your template, with the help of this element:
Note: Keep in mind that you can format the text, but cannot change what it says, as this information is imported from Thrive Apprentice. Hence, if you want to display another text here, you will first have to make this change in Thrive Apprentice:
Course label
Display the label set for your course with the help of this element:
This is something that you can configure in the “Access restrictions” section of your “Settings” tab:
Basically, if the students do not have access or are not logged in, they will see one of these three action restriction labels:
However, if you activate the “Switch labels depending on user stats” toggle, then the label will change based on the progress made so far with the course (if it’s started, completed, or not started):
Read this article to find out all about how the “Access restriction” labels work and how they change based on the user status.
Course progress
Naturally, this element will show the current progress of the course:
The information that the “Course progress” uses is taken from the course progress labels configured in the Thrive Apprentice settings:
Course topic icon
If you want to display the topic of the course, you can do that with the help of this element:
You can set the topic from your Thrive Apprentice course:
Topic title
The topic title can also be displayed, and it’s similar to the topic icon. In the below example, I will be adding the title right under the icon:
This way I am displaying onto my template the course topic icon and title, as set in my Thrive Apprentice course:
Course type icon
You can also display the icon of the content type of the course:
These icons are defined by the type of Thrive Apprentice course you have created (whether it’s an only text-type of course, audio, video, and so on).
Course type
This element goes hand in hand with the “Course type icon” one, due to the fact that this too displays the type of course you have created (text, audio, video, or combined).
So whilst the “Course type icon” will display the icon, the “Course type” one will also display a short text that explains what type of course this is:
Featured image
Use this element if you want to showcase the featured image set by you for this course:
The featured image can be set directly from the course dashboard:
The “Summary” element will display a short text about what is the lesson or course:
You have to set this up in your Thrive Apprentice course, as this element will capture the information directly as you’ve configured it there.
Lastly, you can use the “Title” element to quickly display the title of your lesson, anywhere you want on the template you are working on:
Just as in the case of the other text elements already mentioned in this article, here as well you can use the left sidebar formatting options if you want to apply additional changes to it. The text itself, however, cannot be modified as it’s taken directly from Thrive Apprentice.
Hopefully, this article about how to use the elements available in the right sidebar when you are customizing a Thrive Apprentice template was useful to you.
Feel free to read more about the Thrive Apprentice visual editor in the dedicated section available in our knowledge base.
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