Learn how a college student built a full-time coaching business leveraging the power of Thrive Suite.
Watch the video below to learn how Mica turned her hobby blog into a full-time online business using each of the conversion focused tools included inside Thrive Suite ...

“Thrive Suite saved me so much time building my online business!"
Meet Mica:
A college student who turned her hobby blog about productivity & goal planning into a full-time business after graduating.
Pushing her comfort zone to launch a digital product – before she felt ready – Mica realized she could make a living helping others achieve their own dreams and personal development goals.
Now a professional productivity coach and content marketing consultant, Mica uses her WordPress site to run and grow her online business.
Watch the Video to Hear Mica Discuss...
How MindofMica.com started as a hobby blog, but transformed into an online business
How Mica launched her first digital product — waaay before she felt ready
How Mica became a Thrive Suite customer & eventually used every Thrive Themes tool to help grow her business
Mica's advice to Solopreneurs just getting started...
Mica's Success Story Highlights
About Mica
Mica Gonzalez began her Productivity and Goal Setting blog (MindofMica.com) in March 2018 – her senior year of college.
After seeing her email list grow to over 500 subscribers in just 3 months, she created a digital product and pitched it to her email list.
With the humble goal of just 2 sales, Mica ended up selling more than 20!
Bit by the entrepreneurship bug, Mica decided to create a full-time, online business for herself...
Mica's Thrive Themes Experience
- Mica began her blog with a random WordPress theme, but soon found it so un-customizable, she started searching for something better.
- After someone recommended Thrive Themes, Mica took the profits from selling her first digital product to become a Thrive Suite customer.
- With Thrive Architect, Mica was finally able to build sales pages, lead generation pages, and gorgeous blog posts on her WordPress site.
- When Thrive Theme Builder was released, Mica replaced her old theme with it to improve the design and user experience of her website.
"People keep telling me 'Your blog is so well designed. Your posts are so easy to read. Do you do a lot of coding?' And I tell them I've done ZERO coding since I started using Thrive."
"Opportunity is like a guy who walks past your window one random day, but it's up to you to chase him down."
- Mica began her hobby blog in March of 2018.
- By May 2018, Mica had grown an email list of 500+ subscribers and decided to launch her first digital product (a goal planner). She made 20+ sales!
- In October 2018, Mica used her digital product profits to purchase Thrive Suite.
- As she continued to publish better content on her blog, she was able to start a freelance content marketing side-hustle.
- Ultimately, Mica's was able to quit her post-university day job to become a full-time productivity coach due to her site's success.
Mind of Mica LAnding Page & Post Examples
Check out the following Mind of Mica landing page & blog post examples built using Thrive Theme Builder and Thrive Architect:
- Homepage
- Digital Planner Sales Page
- Popular Blog Post
- New Coaching Client Cultivation Page
- Lead Gen Quiz Page
Each example showcases several cool Thrive Themes design features you can incorporate into the posts & pages of your own WordPress site!

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