How Sa El used Thrive Architect & Thrive Theme Builder to transform a simple idea into a HIGH 6-figure online business.
Watch the video below to hear how Sa El built from the ground up leveraging the incredible power of Thrive Suite ...

“With Thrive Theme Builder & Thrive Architect, I can build anything I can think of!”
Meet Sa El:
The door-to-door life insurance salesman who took his 12 years of experience cold selling on front porches and used it to create a thriving online business.
Relying on both Thrive Suite to build a powerful website and his relentless focus around creating great content, Sa El grew from 0 visitors per day in early 2017 to 25k visitors per month and $50k in monthly revenue by mid-2020!
Watch the Video to Hear Sa El Discuss...
The Genesis of
The Process & Strategies Sa El Used to Grow His Business
How Sa El Uses the Thrive Suite Tools
Sa El's Advice to Solopreneurs Just Getting Started
Sa El's Success Story Highlights
About Sa El
Sa El got into the insurance industry 12 years ago after his grandmother passed away from ovarian cancer.
He realized most people don't know much about insurance — especially when it comes to protecting their family's intergenerational assets.
Ultimately, Sa El wanted to help people get educated about insurance and buy it in a simple way.
From that concept, was born.
Sa El's Thrive Themes Experience
- Sa El built the first version of his WordPress site with a $75 insurance theme template + Thrive Content Builder (the predecessor to Thrive Architect).
- Now, Sa El uses Thrive Theme Builder as his WordPress theme + Thrive Architect to build all of his blog posts and landing pages.
"When Thrive Theme Builder came out, it changed everything for me. Together with Thrive Architect, I can build anything I can think of!" - Sa El relies on using Thrive Architect Landing Page templates as well as Smart Color Technology to achieve easy-to-build and great looking page & blog post designs.
- Leveraging Thrive Suite, Sa El was able to eliminate his total number of WordPress plugins from 55 to 23!
- After building the first version of his site back in early 2017, it took about 9 months before Sa El made his first online affiliate commission.
- It took another year to grow his traffic to 5k visitors per month and $15k in monthly revenue.
- As of September 2020, Sa El's website earns around 25k visitors per month and $50k in monthly affiliate revenue!
- Sa El attributes his success to:
- A laser focus on creating great content.
- Thrive Theme Builder + Thrive Architect to help him build an easy to use and attractive website.
- A laser focus on creating great content.
- Investing the time early on to fully educate himself about how to build an online business — himself.
Simply InsurancE LAnding Page & Post Examples
Check out the following Simply Insurance landing page & blog post examples Sa El built using Thrive Theme Builder and Thrive Architect:
Each example showcases several cool Thrive Themes design features you can incorporate into the posts & pages of your own WordPress site!

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