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Landing Page Template Won’t Load – WP Super Cache Conflict and Fix
Landing Page Template Won’t Load – WP Super Cache Conflict and Fix

Read this article to find out how you can solve possible Landing Page template conflicts between Thrive Architect and WP Super Cache

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Written by Thrive Themes
Updated over a week ago

WP Super Cache is a popular caching plugin that can cause a conflict with Thrive Architect, specifically when trying to load a landing page.

The Problem

Below you can see the Landing Page Templates layout from Thrive Architect:

If you try and load a landing page from the landing pages template screen, the chosen landing page won't load and you'll be taken straight back to a standard theme templated page.

The Solution

Navigate to the WP Super Cache settings page:

On the "Advanced" tab, make sure that you set the following configurations:-

  • ​Disable caching for logged-in​ visitors (Recommended) should ​be ticked

  • Make known users anonymous so they're served supercached static files should not be ticked

Finally, you should make sure that you clear the cache before trying again.

After making these changes, you should have no problems running WP Super Cache with Thrive Architect and Thrive Leads.

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