Thrive Features

Exporting or Erasing Personal Data With Thrive Products

The “Export Personal Data” and “Erase Personal Data” features are related to personal data handling. WordPress has implemented them in...

Copying Thrive Content to Another WordPress Site

Have you designed a website’s landing pages, posts, and themes and would like to carry them forward to other websites...

Customizing your Coming Soon Page in Thrive Architect

While you are in the planning stages of your website, you might consider having a “Coming Soon” page.   Building...

Differences Between Thrive Leads and Thrive Architect in Building Your Email List

A lot of people ask us: “What’s the difference between Thrive Architect and Thrive Leads? Which one is best to...

Using Design Packs in the Thrive Dashboard

Are you looking for a centralized dashboard to carry on with imports and exports for your Thrive Suite designs? The...