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  5. Using the Analytics & Scripts Feature in Thrive Dashboard

Using the Analytics & Scripts Feature in Thrive Dashboard

If you are looking for ways to add scripts and track analytics on your site, globally, you should know that it can be done from the “Analytics & Scripts” section of your Thrive Dashboard.

To access the section, access your Thrive Dashboard from the left sidebar of the WordPress admin dashboard:

The dashboard will open, look for the “Analytics & Scripts” card and click on “Manage Scripts”:

The dashboard will open:

And you can start adding the scripts with the help of the “Add New” button:

A pop-up opens, from where you can set up the script:

  • 1 – Script: In the first field, you will have to enter the actual script;

  • 2 – Script Label: Here you can add a label, a name for your code/script. This label should represent the script you are adding (in this case, for instance: “Google Analytics Tracking Code”), so that you can distinguish it from other scripts that you might add here in the future.

  • 3 – Placement: Then, you will have to select the location where the script/code should be added. Clicking on the “Choose placement” indication from the “Placement” section will open a drop-down with three possible choices: “Before </head>”, “After <body>” and “Before </body>”.

  • 4 – Inserted In: You can choose whether you want the script to be added to your Landing Pages only, or to the themes as well.

You can add multiple scripts, and they will be listed as such:

We have created a few more specific articles related to this topic, you can check them out here:

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